When you think, I love him, but… is there danger afoot. For one thing, that you can’t hover around up pink forelskelsessky all the time, something else is, if there is only friendship and children and a common past back.

It explains the parterapeuten Stephen J. Betchen, which lists a number of signs, you must be note – in relation to whether you no longer love your boyfriend. And it is well to notice your own reactions and feelings.

Lovers, who love each other, seems as if they have surplus energy to do things with their partner. You would like to make the boyfriend happy, and to find new and exciting things to and with them. If you do not have the desire to explore the world (literally and figuratively) with your partner, it is because you actually do not yearn for or need his company.

When the man loves his gf, will you preferably spend as much time as possible with them. You can almost not wait to get home from work and look forward to the weekends together. To go out to eat together is in itself a delightful experience.

But if you in fact hold your partner a little at a distance, it’s not safe, you love him.

Kiss & love – 25. aug. 2017 – at. 17:11 Four things that hurt your relationship

When the man loves his gf, you also have the desire for sex for elskovens sake. You enjoy giving your partner pleasure and not to boost his ego, but because you want to show that he/she is lusted, coveted, and appreciated. And you look forward to doing it.

If you really love your gf, are you sincerely interested in, what turns him on, and you make an effort to find out.

If you don’t enjoy to be close to your gf, and if you are not interested in making love with him, there may really be something wrong.

You have a tendency to focus on her boyfriend, if you love the person. You often think of your partner and perhaps give them a small gift just to show that you are thinking of him. If you show genuine affection, if the boyfriend is upset, you try to do something, do you love him surely.

But if you are not thinking of your gf very often, do you love him, maybe not.

See also: How to find happiness in your relationship

do you appreciate your girlfriend and feel lucky to have him in your life, do you love him enough. Whether the concept is real, thinking you would like that your partner is your soul mate, fate brought you together, and that In fits and belongs together.

are you Thinking on him, as he could have been anyone, do you love him enough not.

Respect your girlfriend? So there is a high probability that you also love him. You support and admire him. Because you respect him, you are also better to listen, negotiate and compromise with him. There are fewer conflicts and more cooperation.

If you treat your partner as if he does not bring anything really of value to the table, do you love him enough not.

you Can put the checkmark by all of the six points, recommends Stephen J. Betchen, that you take a serious look at yourself and your relationship and either disconnect it or find out how you can once again find your love forward. He warns, however, in advance: When the first flame has died out completely, it is very difficult to awaken again.

This body language shows whether you love each other

You love your girlfriend. Or you are so, at least quite fond of him.

And the relationship is really also absolutely fine, but you may very well come into question, whether it is heeelt right – especially because your friends and girlfriends constantly make love updates on facebook, and because you and they are some up on the unrealistic Hollywood ideals of the Great Romantic Love.

You need not doubt any longer: Inspired by this article we have compiled a small checklist, which is about your body language, that shows whether your relationship is healthy and viable, or whether it is time to seek help or other pastures.

Eye contact – has often eye contact in and outside of the bed, it is a sign of not hiding anything for each other. Eye contact is also a way to acknowledge each other and cohesion, to show respect. Lack of eye contact can be a sign of anger, rejections, secrets.

sitting next to each other – when In, for example, puts you in the couch next to each other in order to stone the tv, it shows the need to be physically close, and the relationship gives you peace and relaxation. Is at each end of the couch or even in each of its piece of furniture, it may signal distance and tension.

In general, it is problematic, if only seldom have body contact.

the Stuff – when your torsos are close to each other by a hug, is close emotionally. If In leaning over for a hello and goodbye kiss, instead of going into the hug, there is distance between you.

When cuddling and your stomach meet each other, it is a sign that you have a good sex life with high frequency. If there is close contact from the shoulders to the knees, has a perfect balance between sex and love.

Meet your pans when In the hug, or to kiss, shows In great confidence and affection for each other.