Germany to the WORLD cup in 2006 and played fodboldikonet Franz Beckenbauer a starring role in a regular bestikkelsessag?

All that and so much more, a court in Bellinzona in Switzerland after five years of exploration in these weeks trying to sort out on. If not the case, due to coronavirussen when falling for a statute of limitation

It is something of a gallery, the swiss public prosecutor’s office has lined up. On the dock sits the two former presidents of the German football association Theo Zwanziger and Wolfgang Niersbach.

Both have also previously been in the FIFA’s executive committee. And both left the FIFA in shame. With him on the dock, they have the former cfo of the German confederation, Horst R. Schmidt, and the former secretary general of FIFA, Urs Linzi.

is is not less interesting. Sepp Blatter, who turned 84 earlier in the week, was via a video link from Zurich have testified in Thursday along with the former German stjernespiller, Günter Netzer.

Friday was the Franz Beckenbauer have been in the witness box, but coronavirussen has also hit the trial in Bellinzona. It has led to more evictions.

Bellinzona is located close to the border with northern Italy, and is therefore almost in a state of emergency. Moreover Niersbach in a form of self-imposed quarantine, because there has been a positive coronatilfælde in his grandchild’s school.

not to be excluded that delays are a part of a tactical game. The case is about a suspicious withdrawal of 70 million dollars, which should have taken place in the period between 2002 and 2005.

Beckenbauer was then chief of the German WORLD cup committee, and he has been under investigation, together with the other four.

But in July last year he was so ill that he could not be heard. Extra Magazine could, however, in august reveal that he was not more sick, than he could let himself photographed at a golf tournament in Bad Griesbach.

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Beckenbauer fired the cannon, when he opened his own golf tournament in Bad Griesbach. at the same time he was too ill to be questioned. Photo: Hannes Magerstaedt//Ritzau Scanpix

he saw instead as a witness, if the actions are in spite of coronaafbud when to be implemented before the end of april, where the case according to swiss law falls to the period of limitation.

But even though the now 74-year-old Franz Beckenbauer is only a witness in court in Bellinzona, works he yet to be the central figure in the case.

the procession Beckenbauer on behalf of the German WORLD cup committee, but in his own name, in 2002, a loan of 70 million crowns with frenchman Robert Louis-Dreyfus, who was chief executive of the Adidas.

Via a swiss law firm and the money was channeled to a Qatari company, owned by Mohammed Bin Hammam. Beckenbauer and Bin Hammam sat together in the FIFA’s executive committee.

Bin Hammam was known as the man who bribed everyone and for all when the finals should fifles in place. He is banned from football for life because of corruption.

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Bin Hammam was for many years a master in bribery. He lost the first foothold, when in 2011 he challenged Sepp Blatter for the election as president of FIFA. Hammam was taken in a new bestikkelsessag and banned from all football for life. Photo: AP/Ritzau Scanpix

the German press have speculated that Beckenbauer left the 70-million to Bin Hammam, which would make sure to pay a number of eksekutivkomitemedlemmer for their vote on the German WORLD cup-værtsskab by the vote in 2000 in Zurich.

in 2005, moved to get the loan of 70 million dollars back from Beckenbauer, was the money paid out from an account in the German football. Via Urs Linsi in FIFA the money was deposited in an account, that Louis-Dreyfus had in a swiss bank.

Beckenbauer and his three cronies, Zwanziger, Niersbach and Schmidt, explained at the time the board of the German football association, that the 70 million was paid to FIFA to use for the opening ceremony of the WORLD cup in 2006. A clear circumvention of the truth.

active football player, he was known to slip on all the tackles. His clothes were spotless and did not need to be washed.

Now, the question is whether he also manages to slide by on the attacks from the slowness of the swiss public prosecutor’s office. Part suggest it. But spotless is he no longer.

to get to the bottom of the case on the Beckenbauers money transfers for Bin Hammam in Qatar, the swiss prosecutor general asked the authorities in Qatar for help. It happened in september 2016. Qatar has still not the answer.


Such was Germany WORLD cup

Germany got the 2006 WORLD cup after an intense vote by FIFA’s executive committee in Zurich, Switzerland, in 2000.

The british journalist and writer Andrew Jennings, who had previously worked for Ekstra Bladet, has in the book ’the FIFA Gang’ described the process in the following way:

’as the day of the vote approached, there were lobbied, pulled the sleeves and whispered. Germany was afraid that it was a draw 12-12. In that case, should Sepp Blatter to place the decisive vote, and in advance he had declared that he would vote for south Africa.

In the second round of voting was Germany and south Africa just with 11 votes each. England got two and was eliminated.

One of the votes in England were cast by New Zealand’s Charlie Dempsey. He had been mandated by its regional federations in Oceania to vote on England, and if they fell away, he would vote for south Africa.

Even if Germany could get to the second floating vote, the result would still be a tie, and Blatter would have to support the africans. The result was obvious: We will see you in Cape Town in 2006.’

’They voted last time: Germany 12 votes, south Africa 11 votes! We will see you in Munich in 2006. But it was only 23 votes. One had not voted. Who was it?

It was Dempsey. He had left the chamber between votes. He was in the airport in Zurich to catch a flight home.

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Horst Schmidt, Franz Beckenbauer, Fedor Radmann and Wolfgang Niersbach as Germany in 2000 had secured the WORLD cup in 2006. Radmann was the man who did the dirty work for Beckenbauer. Today, they have a vineyard in south Africa. Photo: AP/Ritzau Scanpix

Charlie escaped the reporters, as well as he could, but backed into a corner, plaprede he about ’intolerable pressure’ on the evening prior to the vote. What was it that had intimidated this hard-hitting, hardy, old-fashioned slagsbror?

No one outside the FIFA thought on Dempsey. He had only one feature at a FIFA meeting: To give a voice. Now he was sure to be thrown out as president of Oceania.

There was something very mysterious and dirty here. It quickly spread rumors that Fedor Radmann (Beckenbauers lieutenant, red.) had ’bought’ Charlie.

As it was to be a tie 12-12, they agreed that Charlie should leave the vote, go back to the Dolder Grand Hotel and pick up a suitcase which had been left to him in the wardrobe. It contained a total of 250,000 u.s. dollars. He would be rushed to the airport in a taxi, so he could reach the plane home.

Charlie died in 2008 at the age of 86, and we shall, perhaps, never out of what spurred him to throw away his career in football in Oceania over the board.’

It can also be added, that Charlie Dempsey in 2004, FIFA’s medal of honour.

See also: Too ill to be questioned – the pictures reveal something else

See also: Legend for the ‘sick’ to the lawsuit

See also: Bribery scandal costs fodboldboss expensive