most of Denmark are in these days closed down in an attempt to curb the coronavirus, and it suffers from a variety of industries currently under.

This applies, among other comedy industry who are forced to cancel the shows on the strip. It can among other things, have implications for the Comedy Zoo, which still has costs, though revenue currently is non-existing.

the ownership group behind the comedy site that counts Michael Schøt, Torben Chris, Anders Fjelsted, Dan Andersen, Martin Bo Andersen and Thomas Hartmann, tries to keep the place running by encouraging people to buy gift cards.

‘Comedy Zoo is one of the many places that are hard pressed by the coronakampen. We support the government’s actions and was actually on the cutting edge ift. to close down, but we will be exceedingly sorry not to come out on the other side. Especially because we will have extra use for to laugh. Please help us so we can continue to spread laughter and joy,’ writes Thomas Hartmann on Instagram.

Danish celebrity – 14. mar. 2020 – pm. 11:19 of Involuntary unemployment due to corona: – It is seriously

Show this posting on Instagram is one of the many places that are hard pressed by the Corona-fight. We support the government’s actions, and was actually on the cutting edge ift. to close down, but we will be exceedingly sorry not to come out on the other side. Especially because we will have extra use for to laugh. Please help us so we can continue to spread the laughter and joy

A spread shared by Thomas Hartmann (@x_hartmann) the

the comedian Brian Mørk has shared a message on Instagram, which signed the six owners of the Comedy Zoo.

‘We take our social responsibility seriously, but the price is high, as the rent, salaries and other fixed expenses do NOT allow themselves to slow down by a virus. Our beloved place, where so many comedic talents have been discovered and developed, bleeding. We take great pride in to be a form of art, that keeps itself alive, since we have never been entitled to any form of state aid. Right now we are also not entitled to any compensation, and we run the risk, if it is too long, that we must close. Permanent,’ says, among other things.

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Ekstra Bladet has spoken with Thomas Hartmann, who is among the owners of the Comedy Zoo. Here he tells why comedians have chosen to put in the measure, they have given the name ‘Zoovival’.

– Like a great many other small operators we are pretty hard pressed here, and we live precisely of that people gathered in larger groups. We chose to close the site down, even before there were injunctions about it, because we take our responsibility quite seriously, and it was the only right thing to do, he says, and continues:

– We just think that this is a good way where we can get people to help us through the crisis without it actually costing them anything, we encourage them that if they still have plans to buy tickets to the autumn, so buy a gift certificate now. So, people get value for money later, instead, we just urge them to support us and donate. So this is a win-win situation.

– How real a threat is it, that ye may shut down completely, if not come help?

– there is no one who can answer, for there is no one, who knows how long it here are going to stand on. But it is just that, there still needs to be paid expenses like the rent, and there is a difference between, on the it here goes over a week or 14 days – or whether it stands on for several months.

– It is just better to be proactive, but I will say it in the way that we, of course, would not undertake it, if we just thought: ‘Okay, so we just have to take a mavepuster and see if we can catch it on the other side.’ But for many people, it is indeed a real risk, says the comedian.

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Thomas Hartmann and the rest of the owners of the Comedy Zoo is trying to save the site, which currently must stay closed. Photo: Aleksander Klug

Thomas Hartmann says that the industry is hard hit in these days. But not harder than many other industries.

– It is really not fun. We get all cancellations in a row, but I just don’t think that it is something any of us will whine about, because we hope that it goes as it usually is later in the year. Our high season is in november and december, such as some of the few we have been a little lucky with the timing, says Thomas Hartmann.

– You learn as a comedian that you should take into account for fluctuation, it goes up and down. And as a comedian has, of course, the cost of food and rent and that sort of thing, but you have not decidedly a local, you have to pay for and that sort of thing. And it is, of course, the big problem for many traders who have restaurants and cafés, and the kind of.

Thomas Hartmann admits that it can create a problem to the autumn, where the revenue for the time so can fall, because people will not need to purchase tickets if they have acquired a gift card.

But the team behind the Comedy Zoo have no choice right now.

– It is to make sure that we are there at the time. You should not throw the baby out with the bathwater, and we know that the trees don’t grow into the sky. But for the time we will have the opportunity to put extra shows up and running with two shows of the day and the kind of. Right now we can do nothing. We can’t do our job, says Thomas Hartmann.

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