
– I am a child from ’the system’. Foster care, respite care and moved in the dorm room at the age of 16.

My parents divorced when I was 3år and my sister 18 months.

– Now I’m married and have 3 lovely children. But since we had our son in XXXX, I have felt persecuted by the authorities.

– The one notification after the other.

so begins X a letter to the nation! (the editors know the name and address!) on being a mother and being accused of beating his children – without having beaten his children.
X seems to be more focus on teachers, educators and others who work with children, ’inform’ about too many children – and that the system is very harsh towards the parents, who have been informed of. The figures show that there has been a sharp increase since the so-called overgrebspakke – which means that all citizens have a duty to inform their local authority if they are concerned that a child is in danger, while professionals such as teachers are subject to a stricter obligation to provide information – entered into force in the autumn of 2013.

In 2015, there were 97.000 notifications about 59.000 children and young people under the age of 18 years. In 2018 came 127.200 notifications about 75,000 children and young people. Xs story is some years old, and continues as follows;

– IN 201X toppled my whole world.

– My daughter (X years was very angry that she had to get a dress on, but I said no, since there was bonfire day.

She overthrew in his anger, and when I grabbed I grabbed out for her, I came to harsh her in the jaw.

– She hit her head in the klinkerne, and is elevated and has got a small scratch in the mouth.

– She gets some ice on, and I get her to be comforted, and we are running to the nursery, where I help her with the clothes, and says goodbye, while she goes to the breakfast table.

On the way out I capture just an educator in the wardrobe, and tells what had happened.

And with a bad feeling in my stomach I run at work. the
In the car do I call my husband and tell him what had happened at home, after he travelled on work.

a Few hours after watching, I suddenly saw on my mobile that my man has called 11 times.

– I’m calling up immediately and he tells that the police have retrieved our daughter and run her on the forensic, to investigate her for slåmærker.

– They have also picked up our son at school, then he must videoafhøres by the police.

I cry and go into panic, but my children come home again at. 15. Phew, but the case is running and the local familierådgiver were both on morning and afternoon/evening to see our routines, without finding anything.

– in everything goes there nine months, of which I was charged with assault in three months, but they took the – of course – nothing.

And they gave no excuse.

– But … now, in 2020, then started a new case, because I got my finger trapped in the door.

I screamed of pain, it bled, and the day after – when I deliver my daughter in the nursery – we’re talking about, that I am going to the mechanic with the car and to the doctor/emergency room with my finger, as I want to be sure that it is not broken, and a teacher asks me if I have free?

I answer no, and run and luckily my finger is not broken.

– in the afternoon comes my son, then current home from school. ’Mother, mother, there have been 2 from the municipality today and asked if I have seen you have beaten XXXXXXXX.

– There is apparently a new ’notification’. My daughter said ’mum has settled’, and it has been perceived as if I have beaten her.

– I think there must be done something about it.

– It can not fit, to the sort of innocent talk of the children, should mean that they – and we parents – shall be punished the rest a life.

– I get apparently also not’ allowed to be a socialarvs breaks. I do everything the opposite of the way I grew up on, writes X, but what do you say about alerts?