Is porn good or bad for a relationship?

the Jury has voteret in decades, experts and scholars have disagreed, and journalists have thus regularly concluded soon, and soon the second.

in Order to clear up misunderstandings and methodological ambiguities, researchers have genanalyseret 30 major us population surveys stretching back to 1973 and forward to 2014.

You then on married and unmarried couples pornoforbrug and the quality of their relationships.

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This is what the researchers came up with:

overall, there was either no correlation between pornoforbrug and the quality of the couple relationship. Or was the relationship that it was associated with poorer relationships to the participants as porn, and it’s regardless of gender and whether they were married or unmarried.

Pornobrug was as well as never a signal that the relationship was good.

See also: This type of porn watching seniors

you can conclude that you get a lousy relationship, if you are watching porn?

No, so far from it, according to the researchers, who do not believe one can draw clear conclusions in relation to causality.

namely, It can just as well be that people who are unhappy in the relationship, looking towards the pornoen. Or that it is a mutual influence, where bad relationship leads to pornoforbrug, which worsened the relationship, and so on.

A minority among the many thousands of american couples in the studies watching porn together, and here pointing figures at, that it can be good for communication and the joint sex life. the

in Addition, there is the whole theme about the participants ‘ attitude to porn, that can affect the results. Other studies have shown that you are religious and/or have a moral judgmental views on pornography, if we consider private consumption as problematic, And it can affect the couple’s relationship negatively.

in Addition, there is the ‘shop’ around pornoen. Some of the researchers assume, that it is not the pornoen that can affect the relationship, but rather the accompanying masturbation.

So: When you have onaneret (to porn or not), you might be less focused on the partner (and perhaps jealous of pornoen), which can cause problems in the relationship.

Tildigere studies have pointed out that most people have a unproblematic consumption of porn, and that they watch porn because it gives them… enjoyment.

Sex & cohabitation – 12. dec. 2019 – at. 22:13 Here is the pornotrend

It is not the amount of porn that will determine whether you have a problem of large consumption.

It shows a new study, where Hungarian researchers in the three delstudier so closer to 15,000 men and women’s use of porn.

Participants filled out several questionnaires on personality traits.

it appears that one can divide the users into three groups: A, with smooth low use of porn (between 68 and 73 percent), with the smooth high use of porn (19-29 percent), as well as a group with problematic high pornoforbrug (3-8 percent). High is defined in the survey as approximately once per day.

users apparently see lots of porn without feeling, it is a problem, while a small minority can’t?

It turned out that the following were characteristic of the group, who felt they had a problematic consumption: Boredom, depression, low self-esteem and the frustration of loneliness and find it difficult to engage in relationships. In addition, some had a moral or religious conflict between pornoen and consumption. The thought, that porn is wrong for moral reasons.