– Why get the son, not just 2 names?

How to write Karin S. in one of the 14 comments that are written on the jv.dks Facebook-profile of a however, was so divided on the name for their boy, that they ended up in court.

See also: Mother-to-fart-girl got the no: All the teased

the Mother explained in court that it was a mistake, that she – as the papers on the custody of children should be completed – gave the father half custody of a child. And she was then, according to the newspaper acquitted in court, because she is more than 20 times had tried to get the boy named Malik.

The name broke the father not care for, but the court sentenced him to a fine of 1000 dollars, because he did the naming, and would not approve the name via its e-box. But Karin’s is not the only one who think that parents should be able to have solved the case yourself.

Sad when the ‘adults’ will not cooperate, writes Anna K, and it is Lisbeth J. agree:

– Incredible that adults should be called in court, in order that a baby can get his name, she writes, while Frank V has a slightly different angle:

– Respect to the JV to bring the other side also, these skrækfortællinger from the women, it has to stand alone.

– For the danger, you might as well get used to that you are more rettighedsløs than a negro under apartheid, when you are a man and the father of a child in the uk, writes Frank, but what do you say?