The new political leader for the Alternative, Josephine Fock, have got a mareridtsstart on his time as the figurehead of the green party.

Jib was the new title for under a month ago, after the party’s longtime leader, Uffe Elbæk, resigned from the post.

But the first møgsag should not wait long in coming.

in an article In the Information is the party’s new hope is accused of cross-border behavior of a variety of sources.

– She has been completely overfusende and intimidating in his behavior, says an anonymous former former member of parliament for the newspaper.

And a former employee votes in:

– She can go from zero to 100, and explode in rage.

in Addition, telling multiple sources that they have seen the new political leader physically grab hold of the people.

Josephine Fock will not comment on the specific accusations, but tell to the Information that she is deeply affected.

– I am of course deeply concerned over the allegations as stated in the article.

– But I can’t recognize the picture, and the situations in which Information is accounted by me, she says to the Information and declined to comment on the specific accusations, she says to the newspaper.

the Stories have been Alternativets the executive committee to convene Josephine Fock to a meeting. It writes TV2.

– It is hovedbestyrelsens position, to ruskeri and offensive behaviour is incompatible with the Alternativets values and the basis and also also the ordinary dealings between colleagues and in society in general, says Jesper Callesen, spokesperson for the Alternative, for TV2.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Josephine Fock, but she has no further comments, write the party’s press officer to Ekstra Bladet.