you Get three charges for it in your car, you will not only risk to get up to the three p’s-the charges if you do not comply with the applicable parking regulations on public roads.

this is the sound of a new proposal from the transport minister Benny Engelbrecht (S), which would allow local road authorities, typically municipalities, to remove illegally parked cars after three p-charges in the day is the ceiling for the public p-charges.

It writes the FDM in a press release.

the Proposal has just been in consultation, and specifically, is the goal of the proposal is that municipalities should have the opportunity to remove an illegal parked car after the third p-charge in order to run it on a storage space.

Both the parts shall be at the owner’s expense. According to FDMs data costs, for example, only 5500 dollars to get his car picked up by the Copenhagen Police. In addition, the storage.

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the owner Picks up his car within ‘a reasonable time’, the municipality can sell the car.

FDM has submitted consultation responses to the proposal, and the car owner-the organization sees significant challenges at the proposal.

– You must always comply with the parkeringsreglerne. When it is said, we believe that the proposal is excessive and out of proportion in relation to the offence, says Dennis Long, a legal consultant in the FDM, in the press release.

– the Municipalities have already today the possibility to ask the police to move the cars if they are parked to the danger or annoyance to traffic. It makes good sense. But with the proposal the municipality will even be able to move a car for example is parked in a parking bay without the inconvenience of traffic in the way, but only because it has got the three p-charges. This, we believe, is an overly harsh penalty, he says.

At FDM stresses that not all parking offences occurs as a result of deliberate actions. FDMs advice often encounter cases where the misconception of divorced or neglected markings has meant that drivers have come to park illegally.

– In practice, you will risk losing your car, for example, if you are long-term hospitalized, says Dennis Long.

– The disabled person, who has parked his car in a reserved disabled seat, but where invalideskiltet is slid down from the windshield, also run the risk of getting rid of his car, while the well-meaning motorist on vacation because of contains a typo of the vehicle license plate at risk to get rid of the car – despite the fact that maybe paid several hundred dollars for parking. All are examples, as we have seen earlier in our advice, and as FDM find deeply unfair, he says.

FDM has asked the Copenhagen and Aarhus Municipalities about how many times they have asked the police to remove illegally parked cars from the last two years. Aarhus is the answer ‘zero’, while the city of Copenhagen does not keep statistics on the kind of. The two municipalities have also no overview of how many times they have issued the three p’s-charges for the same parking, or if it’s even happened.

See also: Keep your car parked here? So is the risk of a break-the greatest