It was a storsmilende Olivia Salo, who back in October last year, revealed that she again had found love, after the relationship with Joakim Meskali, whom she met during the participation in the TV3 programme ‘Love Island’, not persisted after they left the program and came back home to Denmark.

– There is a little on the kærlighedsfronten. I see a real. But I will keep a little for myself. I have found one I am happy, which has become a fixture in my apartment. However, we are not moved together yet, she said at that time to the Extra Blade.

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Since revealed Olivia Salo, that her new boyfriend was called Felix, and the two were very fond of each other.

But the love was not to last, and the two are now gone from each other.

It tells Olivia Salo on his Instagram profile.

‘An update on the love: I’m single. Again. A decision which maybe should have been occurring a long time ago, but which now is current’, she writes, and continues:

‘I can feel in my stomach that I pt. need to focus on myself, my career, my well being and my dogs’, she writes on.

Since the ‘Love Island’ has Olivia Salo among other things, also starred in ‘To dinner with’ on TV3. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

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In its type tells the 22-year-old Salo also, that she purposely not revealed too many details about his past relationship to the public.

‘I’ll (unfortunately) enormously quickly in love. I’m quick to share it, which of course also can be a downside. I therefore chose not to share super much about my latest relationship because I found out that it might go wrong, just as quickly as it could start’, she writes on.

‘I see, unfortunately, men can be very quickly intimidated by me, my success, my masculine energy. And typically they are just for young people. I’m ok. I’m actually relieved. Since I now have found out once and for all, that I just have to be about chasing love. But just focus on myself’.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Olivia Salo, but it has at the time of writing not been possible.

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