
Hyundai Motor Company and Healthy Seas have joined forces to tackle marine pollution in Western Greece. This partnership marks the fourth year of their collaboration, aiming to combat pollution from abandoned fish farms in the region. The initiative prioritizes environmental protection and promotes a circular economy by recycling recovered marine litter into new products.

The recent clean-up operation in Western Greece, which lasted for 10 days, focused on removing large nets and debris from abandoned fish farms that pose threats to marine life. The efforts of volunteer divers from Ghost Diving were successful in retrieving significant amounts of marine litter, including fish farm nets, polystyrene parts, and other harmful debris. These materials will be recycled, with nylon parts being regenerated into ECONYL® yarn by Aquafil for use in sustainable products like floormats for Hyundai Motor’s vehicles.

The impact of the operation is substantial, as it addresses the ecological damage caused by abandoned fish farms releasing debris, plastics, and pollutants into the marine environment. By restoring safe waters, Hyundai Motor and Healthy Seas are ensuring a healthier marine ecosystem for local communities who rely on clean seas for tourism and leisure. In total, 42.7 tons of marine litter were retrieved, with 11.3 tons being fish farming nets.

Hyundai Motor’s commitment to environmental advocacy and combatting climate change is evident through initiatives like ‘Hyundai Continue.’ This program focuses on three core areas: Continue Earth, Continue Mobility, and Continue Hope. ‘Hyundai Continue’ aligns with the company’s vision of creating shared value by addressing social impacts and building a sustainable business ecosystem. In Europe, Hyundai Motor’s CSV strategy emphasizes environmental protection and circular economy, innovation, and people, with the partnership with Healthy Seas playing a crucial role in fighting ocean pollution and promoting a circular economy.

The collaboration between Hyundai Motor and Healthy Seas highlights the power of partnerships in addressing global challenges like marine pollution. By working together, these organizations are making a tangible difference in reclaiming polluted waters and fostering a sustainable future for marine life and local communities. Through initiatives like the clean-up operation in Western Greece, Hyundai Motor continues to demonstrate its commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility.