More than 3,000 people have now lost their lives as a result of coronavirus in the global epicenter for virusudbruddet.

Thus have coronavirusset required 3007 lives in the Hubei province in China.

It informs China’s national health authorities in its daily update on Monday morning local time.

In the whole of China has a total of 3119 persons lost their lives, while more than 80,000 smittetilfælde of coronavirus are confirmed.

the Number of deaths has recently been decreasing. The past day were 40 deaths registered in China. Compared with the previous day the four deaths fewer.

21 of the deaths that day occurred in the central part of Hubei province.

At the global level, the virus claimed the lives of 3803 life, shows a statement from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. The hardest hit countries outside of China count Italy, Iran and south Korea.

Overall, there is registered button 110,000 to smittetilfælde worldwide. This is the result 61.000 declared healthy.

so far there has been smittetilfælde with corona virus in 95 countries in the world, since the virus broke out at the end of last year.

Recently, for the first time registered smittetilfælde in Albania. Here is a father and his son infected with the coronavirus after a holiday in northern Italy.

In Denmark is overall 35 persons found infected with the coronavirus. In the weekend, there have been recorded 14 new cases.

The Danish government has called for all events in the country with over 1000 participants is cancelled. But there is not introduced a ban.

This has meant that several events have been cancelled or carried out without an audience.

Sunday, did the German and French government the same. In Germany, the national government did not cancel the events. The decision lies with the individual länder.