A 54-year-old nordjyde has been charged with drink driving, although he not at all found themselves in the car.

The unusual charge was triggered late Saturday night in the Neck, where the 54-year-old man suddenly stood out in the middle of the road and stopped a car with five young people.

the Man was by all accounts drunk. He has himself explained, that he had a lot to drink. He stopped supposedly the car with the young people, because he wanted to investigate whether they had something to do with some burglaries in the area.

– Therefore, he opened the door on the driver’s side and would pull the driver of the car out. The driver panicked and stepped on the accelerator. While rev the 54-year-old man in the wheel, and therefore he is now charged with spirituskørslen, informs vagtchef Jess Falberg, the North jutland Police, to Ekstra BLadet.

the Car continued into some boulders. Three of the young people in the car came easier to damage. Also the now accused drunk driver got easier blow.

Photo: Rene Schütze

All four were running a trip to the emergency room. The accused had taken the blood sample, inform the vagtchefen.

The 54-year-old acknowledges the incident, but he refuses to have the run of drink-driving.

– It is an unusual case, as we intend to get tried. For it is such, that neither the passengers or other persons in any way interfere with driving. There are several cases with full passengers, which are mixed in the sober drivers drive. And so are you according to the law the drunk driver, says vagtchefen.

The 54-year-old man is also charged with having caused danger to others.