Finding new streams of income can help an individual out immensely. The only drawback of this is that many people do not want to go from one job to another. Cutting out the commute can make earning supplemental income much more manageable. There are plenty of ways to earn money without leaving your home thanks to technology. This is going to take work but it is better to be working from the comfort of your own home than a cubicle. The following are ways that you can earn supplemental income from home thus reducing your financial stress.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a great way to earn money and it takes very little overhead as far as costs go. A computer as well as a reliable internet connection can allow you to start earning today. The Money Alert has highlighted that some of the best businesses have low startup costs so money made is nearly always profit. Find a freelancer platform like that of Upwork or a content production company to get started. Finding clients is not as difficult as one might seem, retaining the clients can be difficult if you deliver low quality content or miss deadlines consistently.

Online Store

Starting an online store is becoming staggeringly more popular with the rise of dropshipping. This allows a person to get an item wholesale but does not require them to ship the item themselves. The lack of need for inventory due to the wholesaler shipping to customers has made this immensely popular among people wanting to make extra money. The trick is to find a reliable wholesaler as well as products that have a demand in the ecommerce world. Finding the right niche can allow you to make more money than you could have ever imagined.

Start a Blog

Starting a blog does not mean that it will immediately become popular as you will need to produce quality content to attract readers. Once you have enough traffic you can make passive income from ads and even have sponsors for the site. Offering product reviews and sponsored posts round out the different ways that you can make income off of your writing. Base the blog on something you consider yourself an expert on as nobody wants to listen to the ramblings of a person on a topic they know little about.

Online Teaching

The opportunity to teach online has grown immensely with both children and adults utilizing online learning. This could be as simple as teaching someone English from overseas or helping a student with math homework. Take a look at the different platforms for online teachers as some take more of your hourly rate than others. Sign up for multiple platforms to see which is most profitable then concentrate your efforts on that platform. You have things that you can teach, start making money off of it.

As you can see the opportunities are endless when it comes to ways to make extra income monthly. That extra income can be invested, spent, or simply give you peace of mind when the time for bills comes around.