So, you’re planning to start a business, and you have decided that it would be in your best interest to create a website that aims to promote your business. You first take out a pen and paper and list down how you want your site to appear. At this point, you can hand the project to a web designer, or you can do it your way and hire a web developer to create the website as you tell him the design you want. 

Choosing a design for your website is no small task: if this is the first time you’ll do so you won’t know anything specific; most likely you’ll say vague things like “I want the website to promote my products and services” or “I want my website to look cool”. It’s not that it’s a bad thing, but you’ll be troubling the person you hired to do the web design for you if you’re not specific. So here are some of the things you specifically want for your website.

  1. The website must not look cluttered and all over the place. Tell your designer not to over-design your website. Simplicity can seem aesthetically professional but try to avoid your website’s design being borderline minimalistic. Try to keep the site’s design simple and understandable. Don’t use too many bright colours, but don’t over-indulge in dark ones either. And don’t use too many intricate patterns unless it’s needed. The website must be understandable, and the design must not distract the visitors from the information.
  2. An over-designed website may also be difficult to load, especially if the signal of the device is weak. It can also be detrimental when making the site responsive and may end up looking weird if viewed on anything else other than a computer. Finally, an over-designed website may be hard to navigate, which is a minus for the overall design.
  3. The website’s design must match the aesthetics of your logo so that the logo looks natural inside the site. That is assuming that you already have a logo for your company before deciding that you’ll get your website.
  4. When finally putting in details about what your company does, what kind of business it is, or what its products and services are, try to be frank yet detailed about it. The people reading should be able to understand it quickly and correctly.
  5. Tell your designer and developer to use modern standards always. For example, there are still websites that use Flash when Flash is already obsolete. Tell them they must not imitate those sites. Some people studied the old ways of doing things and refuse to update their knowledge just because that’s how they learned things. Developers are also prone to this.

To make sure that your developers and designers understand, try to make your design on something (you can draw it) so you can use it as an illustration for then to use as a basis. Check out web design Oxford to make things easier for you.

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