Ximo Puig has asked this Thursday to renew the Valencian Pact against Gender Violence to reaffirm “the will of the whole society with the end of macho terrorism” and “update the issues that are not working”. This has been stated after chairing the meeting of the socialist group in Les Corts, where he has shown “the sadness and pain” of all Valencians for the murder, macho in the absence of official confirmation, produced this Wednesday in Alzira.

“Gender violence is the main problem facing Spanish and Valencian society at the moment”, stated the former president, who pointed out that “in order to put an end to macho terrorism, it is necessary to put an end to macho culture”, which is still very present in the society. In this sense, he has considered that it is time to demand that the Pact Against Gender Violence be renewed, “adapting and updating all the issues that are not working properly.”

“But, above all -he added-, reaffirming the will of the whole society united to overcome this situation that makes our society a weakened society, in which many women see their rights limited”.

The expresident has also referred to the Valencian conflict. In this regard, he has considered “a great irresponsibility” of the current president, Carlos Mazón, “to try to reopen a conflict around the Valencian that was already overcome.”

He was referring to the meeting that Mazón will hold with the president of the Valencian Academy of Language (AVL) to open “a new stage of dialogue and harmony” and work on “gestures” and “sensitivity” towards everyone. “Can you imagine the President of the Government talking to the President of the (Royal) Academy of the Spanish Language to tell him to be sensitive to all accents?” asked Puig, who has stated that Valencian society does not deserve that “irresponsibility “.

The former president has highlighted that the Community has two official languages ??and everyone has the right to use them and to be assisted in the public administration and any field in any of them, and has indicated that “there cannot be a part of the government that desists from giving compliance with the Statute of Autonomy”.

“What must be done with the Valencian is to use it, love it and treat it with the dignity it deserves”, defended Puig, who believes that “the attitude of a certain insurgency of a part of the extreme right in the Government is not admissible in democratic terms and respect for the institutions and the Statute”.

On the institutionality of the AVL, he said that it was an advance resulting from the pact between the then president of the Generalitat, Eduardo Zaplana, and the PSPV-PSOE that allowed old conflicts to be overcome, for what he believes is now “a great irresponsibility of the president try to reopen this issue”.

Regarding the meeting announced by Mazón for September 11, Puig has warned that there is a precedent that “should not happen again”, which was the arrival at the Council of Alejandro Font de Mora, who, according to what he said, “made a direct intervention in the AVL”.

Asked about the complaints of some Botànic officials who have not been able to be removed from their posts because there is no one to replace them in the new Consell, Puig criticized the fact that the new government has 30% of people yet to be named.

“It does not seem reasonable that after two months there are no normal replacements,” he said, noting that those responsible for the previous government “have the right to their work projects and normal life and not have to be kidnapped in some way by a government with the They have nothing to do with it.”

He has also referred to the problems in the process of awarding teaching posts, to ensure that the Botànic have made “the best possible transfer” and point out that this process shows that in the new Consell there is “a lot of incompetence, a lot of insolvency and a lot of irresponsibility.”