Death threats, kicks in the air and insults. This is what several agents of the Local Police of Cádiz found when they went to a house on Avenida de Bahía after receiving a notice that a woman was causing public disorder in the common areas of her building.

The young woman, who has already been arrested, attacked the agents with a stick, although they managed to repel the attack. It was her mother who explained that her daughter suffered from some mental health problem and that, after having an argument with her sister, she had lost control of her.

After knocking on the door where the woman lives, she opened it with a “defiant and threatening” attitude, insulting the agents with the word “dogs”, who tried to reassure her and inquire about her condition. The woman continued to insult her by threatening to goad her dog while she held a stick in her hand.

It was then that the young woman’s mother came out, who also tried to calm her daughter down without success. The mother explained to the agents that her daughter is undergoing psychiatric treatment and that she normally does not have behavioral problems, assuring that on this day she had been following an argument with her sister.

The Local Police offered her the possibility of being transferred to a health center, although the young woman refused, and the agents then decided to leave the place.

While they were waiting for the elevator, the young woman left her home with the stick she was carrying in her hand with the intention of attacking the agents, who managed to repel the attack and proceed to reduce them. In a superficial search of her, a knife that she was carrying was hidden in the back of her pants.

After being arrested, in the transfer to the patrol car, the young woman continued with her death threats, at the same time that she spat and kicked the agents, who proceeded to take her to the emergency department of the Puerta del Mar hospital.