Ximo Puig has not hesitated to demand from Pedro Sánchez this morning a new “fair” financing model for “all of Spain” and has detailed that the Tajo-Segura transfer is “unavoidable” always with respect for the environment. He has said it in his closing speech at the PSOE Municipal Conference, and he has said it in front of the Prime Minister, who in his turn to speak has evaded responding to either of these two demands.

The intervention of the Valencian president has been vindictive, but it has also served to specify the narrative framework that he will develop during the campaign. “What we are playing on 28M is to go forward or go back, it is to choose between Gürtel and Volkswagen,” Ximo Puig pointed out. A framework that also includes the assessment of his management: “there has been no indicator since 2015, in terms of work, health or education, that is worse than the one registered when the PP governed”.

In the opinion of the Valencian president, the Valencian Community suffers “structural problems”, including the need to reform regional financing: “The president and I have a long conversation about this issue and I have always seen him sensitive, but it is true that we must take a more decisive step”.

“We have to give it because it is necessary that there be fair financing for all of Spain, for all Spaniards, wherever they live”, defended Puig, who has recognized that “during the years of Pedro Sánchez’s government, compared to those of Rajoy, has increased financing to the Valencian Community by 60%”.

Thus, although he has considered that it is “insufficient” and that the lack of financing leads, for the Community, to “enormous problems”, “you cannot start arguing without telling the truth.”

“And the truth is that we have managed to converge in spending, and I think it is very important that Madrid also explain how spending has been executed and how progress has been made in social services, health, and education in the Community and how has done in Madrid, a mirage, a big lie”, he stated.

Regarding water, he referred to the situation of irrigation in Doñana, and stressed that in Valencian territory “it has been shown that another path is also possible” with l’Albufera, which he has considered “a different management paradigm” for that the water quality of the wetland “has a higher quality than 50 years ago”.

Likewise, he stressed that, despite the “dire consequences” of climate change, “there is hope that the Valencian and Murcia orchards can continue forever” with the modernization of irrigation, desalination “at an adequate price” and the water reuse.

“Also as far as possible and always respecting the environment, the Tajo-Segura transfer is essential”, highlighted Ximo Puig, who added that “the least transfer has been with Rajoy” and has asked the PP to stop “taking people for idiots”.

The head of the Consell also thanked the PSOE for having chosen Valencia for this event, which he considered recognition of the joint work “to lift the reputational mortgage, change the paradigm, disassociate it forever from corruption, waste and decadence”.

“Eight years ago many people asked us what was happening in Valencia, and what was happening is that those who had governance in their hands had it for their own benefit and not for Valencian society, but it was not a problem for the Valencians, it was a problem of the PP”, has defended.

In this sense, he has criticized the “multitude of permanent lies with which the PP invades the atmosphere”, which he has equated to space garbage “about which the Minister of Science, Diana Morant, is concerned”.