The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has delved into his political proposal to unblock the territorial problem through a constitutional convention, which he has defined as “a way for calm dialogue, shared reflection and an agreed pact”. that it would be necessary for the PP to participate, together with the rest of the parties, in this formula and has indicated that the formula connects with the origin of the Spanish Constitution itself.

In his first interview since he launched the proposal last Tuesday, Lehendakari Urkullu indicated on Radio Euskadi that it would be possible to promote a parliamentary initiative that urges the Government to call it. According to him, it would be desirable for the entire political representation of the State to participate, with all the deputies of Congress and senators, along with representatives of the Autonomous Communities and legal experts.

“It is a path that takes us back to the origin of the Spanish Constitution and to what was pending then,” he stated, while indicating that he could also count on “the experience of the constituent deputies” who are alive.

As a similar “experience” of debate, the self-government commission of the Basque Parliament has put it, although it has as its objective the reform of the Basque Statute and the convention that it proposes now does not seek to modify the Constitution, “but to analyze potentialities that it can offer to satisfy the unsatisfied realities of the territorial model”.

For all these reasons, “it would be desirable for all political formations to participate, including the Popular Party, obviously, because if one of the conclusions of this constitutional convention were the need to reform the Constitution – an issue that is not raised -, it would be necessary to contest of the Popular Party”.

“The numbers are what they are, therefore, it would be desirable that for the sake of what is the real definition of what was not concluded in the Constituent period in 1978, the Popular Party also participate,” he said.

Urkullu has ensured that he does not relate the proposal to the investiture of a Prime Minister, although he has analyzed that “it is evident that Alberto Núñez Feijóo has a handicap, to the extent that he depends on Vox”, a formation that is “absolutely refractory” to the parameters in which his proposal is framed and contrary to Basque self-government.

Finally, Urkullu has acknowledged having “a good relationship” with the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, although he has reproached him for “lacking what is the necessary fulfillment of his word, the necessary fulfillment of the commitments made.”