The Civil Guard has arrested two people for their alleged involvement in a case of human trafficking for the purposes of labor exploitation in the field of domestic work.

According to police investigations, the perpetrators recruited the women in Colombia, deceptively offering them supposedly legal jobs in Spain, to care for the elderly.

The alleged perpetrators of the crime were in charge of financing the trip of the victims, who, once in Spain, were forced to contract an abusive financial debt. The victims were housed by their captors in conditions that prevented freedom of movement, communication, under constant surveillance, retention of personal documentation and threats of violence against their families.

Furthermore, the working conditions to which they were subjected were illegal, depriving them of access to a substantial part of their salaries, from which they had to cover the unsustainable debt to which they were subjected and which perpetuated them to be in a precarious economic situation. .

The detainees have been placed at the disposal of the competent Judicial Authority, while the victims have been released and are under protection.