The Mossos d’Esquadra have opened an investigation to clarify whether an agent of the Catalan police in Lleida is involved in a robbery in the capital of Segrià, according to ‘Segre’.

The events occurred last weekend, when several citizens detained a person who had allegedly stolen a cell phone in an establishment.

According to witnesses, another man, who showed the badge of a police officer although he was off duty, tried to prevent the alleged thief from being detained.

The Urban Police arrested the alleged perpetrator of the robbery and opened proceedings to clarify the responsibility of the Mosso in these events. The case has been referred to Internal Affairs.

In addition, the agent is being investigated for using his status as a police officer to leave a gas station in the Strip without paying.

With this agent, there are now three police reports reported in Ponent by the Catalan police themselves in recent months. Apart from this case, the police reported one agent for money laundering and another for cocaine trafficking.