* The authors are part of the community of La Vanguardia readers

The latest rains are being so beneficial that the landscape of the Sau landscape, a symbol of the drought in Catalonia, is already being transformed. The water, for example, is already reaching the level of the old church of Sant Romà, as can be seen in this photographic report in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

In fact, the current state of this reservoir in the Osona region is 33.37 hm³ (20.19% of its capacity), double that of a year ago at this same time, when it was at 16.79 hm³ and 10 .16% capacity.

Furthermore, the arid landscape is gradually being replaced by a very spring-like one, where green and the different colors of flowers, such as poppy red, shine in the sunlight.

The recovery of the flows of the Catalan swamps seems to be already a reality. The Talarn reservoir, in Lleida, has opened floodgates this week to release water after having reached the limit of its capacity, in an operation that has been carried out for the first time in four years due to the severe drought that has occurred.

Catalonia has experienced more episodes of widespread showers this week that will further feed the swamps of the Ter Llobregat system, which have already reached 27% of their capacity thanks to the water that fell from the sky in recent weeks.

Sau is a swamp that, in times of drought, has retained less water, because it has been encouraged to drain into the neighboring Susqueda reservoir (both drink from the Ter).

The Sau reservoir, located in the municipality of Vilanova de Sau, is at the foot of the Guilleries massif. The abysses that surround the swamp are spectacular and are reflected in its waters. Sau is part of a system of three reservoirs, along with those of Susqueda and Pasteral, which unites the regions of Osona and La Selva. Of the three, the last is the one that is best withstanding the consequences of the drought.