The strike committee of the workers of the switchboard of the Madrid Emergency Medical Service (Summa 112) does not want any of their own to be deceived after the appointment that the regional government has set for them on April 25 and they show “cautious” with the meeting.

The strike, promoted by the CGT, with the support of the UGT, affects the 130 operators of 061, the Emergency and Health Emergencies telephone, every Monday and Saturday of each week.

Their main demands are aimed at achieving a reduction in the maximum annual working day, substantial salary improvements and “optimal working conditions” in the new Emergency Coordination Center, located in the Zendal hospital.

The strike committee denounces that those in Madrid are “the worst working conditions in the entire Spanish State in an Emergency Service”, affirms the committee, and also demands to guarantee “optimal working conditions in the new Emergency Coordination Center located in Zendal Hospital.

“We will go to the meeting with caution, but hoping that this is the beginning of the end of the conflict and, therefore, the end of precariousness, which will in turn have an impact on an improvement in the provision of the Summa 112 Call Attention Service “, the statement states.

Pending the meeting, the Community of Madrid will add protests next week. The Platform of Non-permanent Doctors and Other Physicians (FEA) in Madrid have announced a strike in hospitals after the Easter holidays, if the Ministry of Health does not put an end to the “temporary abuse” of 3,500 doctors in the Madrid Service of Health (Sermas).

This Platform, together with SomosUrgenciasSomosUno and the Amyts union, launched an indefinite strike in May 2022 against temporary employment at Sermas and now they are considering a schedule of strikes in hospitals because there is no “formal proposal” from the Ministry of Health to end the precariousness of physicians, who, in some cases, have been chaining temporary contracts since before 2004, despite being specialists in their category.

In addition, they will go to the World Health Organization (WHO) to convey to them “the precarious situation” in which they find themselves, after this body requested a report on the situation of Primary Care doctors in the framework of the concern due to the precariousness, temporary nature and lack of personnel that threaten the sustainability of Spanish and European healthcare in the short term.

The platform made the announcement after the meeting of the Health Sector Board last Wednesday without presenting a solution to address “temporary abuse” in which thousands of physicians find themselves, “one of the most serious structural problems that Madrid public health suffers in the hospital setting”.

In a statement, they have demanded that the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the Minister of Health, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, definitively address the cancellation of the Public Offer of Employment (OPE) 2018-2019 with the aim of liberalizing more of 3,500 positions for doctors and other physicians in Madrid.

For the Platform, the call for these OPE 2018-2019 has generated “great insecurity” for professionals, since after years of suffering “abuse of temporality”, their places are at stake by making them depend on a contest-opposition.

This situation affects patients and the quality of care due to the continuous risk of dismantling reference units due to mobility and/or loss of professionals, they explained.