The difficult balance that the PP has maintained until now with respect to the diplomatic crisis unleashed in the recent visit of Javier Milei to Spain to participate in an extreme right-wing event has been tilted this Tuesday from Congress in favor of the Argentine president, since Miguel Tellado has pointed out Óscar Puente as the “clear person responsible” for the conflict for having “seriously insulted” the president.

For the PP spokesperson in the Lower House, who appeared at a press conference after the meeting of the board of spokespersons and before the plenary session that begins this afternoon, Puente committed a “clumsiness” by attributing the consumption of “substances” to the Milei’s attitude in some of her public appearances. And she should have already resigned for it in any other “modern democracy.”

In this way, Tellado has justified the statements of the Argentine president, who called Pedro Sánchez’s wife corrupt at the massive meeting organized by Vox last weekend in Madrid, in which the main leaders of the European and Latin American extreme right participated. , although he has acknowledged that those terms were “not at all pleasant.”

The diplomatic crisis between Argentina and Spain, “brother countries”, as the popular parliamentary spokesperson has argued, will also affect this afternoon’s plenary session, in which the PP will present a motion on the “deterioration” of Spanish foreign policy in the which will defend increasing military support for Ukraine, increasing investment in defense within NATO and coordinating with the European Union the recognition of Palestine as a State while preserving the “security of Israel”, initiatives with which it intends to highlight the differences between the PSOE and its Sumar partners.

In this sense, Tellado has challenged the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, to show in the vote the “sense of State” that the PP demands in the face of the diplomatic crisis with Argentina and after having “unilaterally” changed the traditional position. of Spain with respect to the Sahara. The Government “cannot ask for loyalty” after these events, he stressed.

The PP, which has regretted the limitation of time to ask Sánchez in his parliamentary appearance tomorrow, has presented a hundred issues that the President of the Government should not avoid, whom Tellado has accused of “mixing” interests in foreign policy of Spain with his “personal interests” at a time when his entourage is immersed in “investigations” for alleged corruption.

The PP considers that the leader of the PSOE has developed a strategy to avoid political wear and tear and has resorted to a “foreign enemy” to carry it forward, through a “populist story”, as explained by Tellado, in which the dissidents are pointed out. as “undemocratic” and “unpatriotic”, something that, in the opinion of the popular ones, “is dangerous for democracy.”