This Tuesday, the Congress of Deputies refused to process the proposed law against pimping proposed by the PSOE.

With 122 votes in favor, 184 against and 36 abstentions, the socialists have seen how their abolitionist initiative has not garnered support from either their government partner or their parliamentary allies or the Popular Party. While Vox, Podemos, BNG and Canary Coalition have abstained, thus blocking its parliamentary processing.

The Popular Party, who in the last legislature supported this same initiative, have changed the meaning of their vote, considering that it generates division and that the socialist group is making an “undignified use and abuse of feminism for electoral purposes.”

In general terms, the proposal presented by the PSOE – without having agreed upon it with any other force – advocated toughening the prison sentences already included in the Penal Code for pimps, sanctioning those who hire prostitutes (increasing it to prison sentences in the case that the prostitutes were minors or especially vulnerable), and added a new crime, also punishable by prison, for what is known as locative third party. That is, the transfer of premises to practice prostitution.

Given the evident lack of support for the proposal, the PP proposed to the PSOE that it withdraw it to negotiate a comprehensive law against trafficking within the Commission of the State Pact against Gender Violence, an option that the Minister of Equality ruled out. , Ana Redondo. Finally, the PP has not saved the process and the initiative declines.