The Generalitat’s budget has ensured the necessary majority to be approved, something that will happen on March 10 in the plenary session of the Parliament if there are no unforeseen events, according to the proposal for the processing of the bill that the Catalan Chamber has released this Thursday. It will take a total of 37 days, a practically record time for the processing of Catalan accounts.

The processing calendar begins today, Thursday, February 2, with the entry of the bill in Parliament and a series of procedures that are carried out today, such as the assignment to the Economy and Hisenda commission, the opening of the term for the presentation of amendments to the entire project and to the budgetary sections and the amendments to the articles, and the approval of the calendar of appearances, among others.

From today until next Tuesday, the members of the Government will appear in their respective commissions to report on the content of the budget in relation to their department.

On Monday, February 13, the deadline for submitting amendments to the entirety will end and the following day they will be debated and voted on in plenary, once admitted for processing and published. Predictably they will all be rejected.

From Friday, February 17 to Thursday, February 23, the different commissions will debate the amendments to all the budget sections that will be approved or rejected on that last day. If any prosper, something very improbable, it would be ratified in plenary session with a date to be determined. On February 23, the deadline for submitting amendments to the articles ends, which will be accepted for processing on Monday the 27th and will be published on the 28th.

On Friday, March 3, the Economy and Hisenda Commission will prepare the opinion that will be published on Monday, March 6, together with the individual votes and the reservation of amendments. That day will also end the period for requesting a separate vote in plenary session and for requesting an opinion from the Consell de Garanties Estatutàries.

If nothing prevents it, the bill will be definitively approved in plenary session on Friday, March 10.