A threat looms over Europe, Pedro Sánchez warned this Thursday at the start of the 9-J electoral campaign from Valencia and together with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and it is the willingness of the European People’s Party to agree with the extreme right in the institutions of the community club, just as Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP has done with Vox already in Spain. The President of the Government has highlighted that, in her first television face-to-face, the PP candidate, Dolors Montserrat, did not categorically rule out this option, no matter how much the PSOE leader, Teresa Ribera, demanded it. “They did not clarify whether or not they are going to agree with the extreme right, with the European Vox. And if they did not clarify that they were going to say no to a pact with the extreme right, it is because they are clear that they are going to do it,” she assured.

Faced with this threat, the President of the Government has asked for a vote for the PSOE on next 9-J, “so that the reactionary coalition of the PP with Vox, in Spain and in Europe, retreats.” And he has assured it precisely in the capital of the Valencian Community, one of the Spanish autonomies where the PP governs in coalition with the far-right Vox.

Sánchez has incorporated into his campaign speech, as a mobilizing element of the progressive electorate, the great event that Vox organized last Sunday in Madrid, with the Argentine Javier Milei as a guest star and whose intervention, in which he accused the wife of the president, has opened a serious diplomatic crisis. “It is no coincidence that the far-right international, all of Abascal’s friends, Feijóo’s allies, met in Spain,” he highlighted. That ultra summit, he has denounced, put “into words” what Feijóo and Abascal “do not dare to say,” since Milei assured that “social justice is an aberration.”

“That is the great achievement of Spain,” replied the leader of the PSOE. Social justice is not an aberration, the aberration is defending a political project that interests only the privilege of a minority, hiding behind a false flag of freedom, which is what the extreme right and its allies on the right do.”

For this reason, he stressed, “the far-right reactionary coalition” met in Spain, “of all the countries in the world”, because the Spaniard has assured that it is “a model of success, which refutes all the hoaxes and misinformation of the right.” and the extreme right.”

Sánchez has once again called for the mobilization of the progressive electorate before 9-J, just as happened in the general elections of July 2023 that prevented the formation of a PP and Vox Government in Spain. “On July 23, we all voted en masse for four more years of a progressive coalition government and to stop the reactionary coalition government between Feijóo and Abascal. If we didn’t want that for Spain, let’s not want it for Europe,” he demanded.

The Chief Executive recalled the management of the financial crisis ten years ago. “Europe staggered under the scissors of the men in black, imagine if the scissors of the men in black return, accompanied by the chainsaw of the extreme right,” he warned, in reference to Milei and his European allies.

Sánchez has also made the electoral flag of the recognition of the Palestinian State, which the Council of Ministers will approve next Tuesday. And he has recriminated the words of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who has once again portrayed him as a “friend of terrorists.” “We are on the right side of history,” she said.

The leader of the PSOE wanted to dismantle the usual mantras of the right. “Is Spain broken? But Salvador Illa has won in Catalonia! Is Spain sinking? Those of the economic miracle ended up in jail and social democracy manages the economy much better than the right and the extreme right,” he insisted. “Spain is neither breaking nor sinking, it is more prosperous and more united than when the right wing governed this country,” he concluded.