The Rolling Stones fans in Cleveland are in for a treat this weekend as the iconic band makes its return to the city for the first time since 2002. The stage is being set up at Cleveland Browns Stadium for the Hackney Diamonds tour stop on Saturday night, with gates opening at 6 p.m. and the show starting at 8 p.m.

It’s no secret that Cleveland is known as the heart of rock and roll, and the anticipation for The Rolling Stones’ return is palpable. Kelly Schikowski, a communications specialist with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, expressed the excitement for the band’s homecoming. The Rock Hall is hosting various events and activities leading up to the concert, including a pre-concert tailgate with live music and a newly expanded Stones exhibit.

For fans planning to attend the concert or visit the museum, the Greater Cleveland RTA is providing transportation options to ensure a safe and hassle-free journey downtown. The Waterfront Line will be operating on June 15-16, allowing concert-goers to avoid downtown traffic and expensive parking fees. With one-way fares or all-day passes available for purchase, attendees can easily access the stadium and other downtown attractions.

Greg Bender, a long-time Stones fan who saw them perform in Cleveland back in 1978, shared his excitement for the upcoming concert. He emphasized the band’s incredible performance and the overall greatness of their music. As the city prepares for a sellout crowd and additional visitors, it’s recommended to plan ahead and arrive early to avoid potential congestion on the streets.

With the return of The Rolling Stones to Cleveland, the city is buzzing with anticipation and excitement. Fans can look forward to a memorable concert experience and a weekend filled with rock and roll festivities. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or simply looking to enjoy the music, the upcoming concert promises to be an unforgettable event in the heart of rock and roll.