Silver hair, light eyes, face with classic lines, attractive appearance. Robert Kennedy Jr., 69, maintains that retirement as the most famous family in the United States. And yet, he faces a personal melodrama that would delight Douglas Sirk, creator of elegant tears in cinema.

She would also have a role in The Misfits, titled in Spain Rebel Lives, a film by John Huston about misfits starring Clark Gable, Montgomery Clift and Marilyn Monroe, the last interpretation of the close friend of Robert Jr.’s uncle and father.

This environmental lawyer, famous for his anti-vaccine conspiracy (as such, without an iota of science) and spreader of disinformation with anti-Jewish and xenophobic overtones, is now launching into the challenge of fighting for the US presidency.

He does it as an independent. This is his great tragedy. Nobody loves him, except the conspiracy theorists, who are not few. And he, in a world where parties, companies, finances, power in short, everything is corrupted, saved by him, champion of absolute truth, he has had to found his own niche, which is said today.

Most of his family despises him. Those who have been in politics for a long time, the Democrats, ignore him. Far-right and supremacist Republicans, with the Fox network as their banner, have been courting him because they saw him as a liability at the polls for Joe Biden. But he has broken with the liberals, they are no longer interested in him. Even the Trumpists, who celebrated him, with Steve Bannon, the former president’s ideologue at the helm, have swelled the ranks of those who despise him. His love of conspiracies makes him more likely to steal votes from conservatives than progressives. Some think they have shot themselves in the foot or created a Trojan horse out of it.

Faced with progressive indifference, the Republican National Committee broke relations on Monday with this scion of the Kennedys, calling him “another radical, far-left Democrat,” twisting his logic, apparently in recent months. “He cannot hide his record, he is another liberal elitist and voters will not be fooled,” he insisted. The polls give him 14%, and 40% for Biden and Trump, respectively.

Naming the Kennedys is like mentioning the holy grail of what part of this country longs for. The founders of the republic fought to defeat the British crown, but that aroma of aristocracy, its pomp and its noble concessions remained. That’s why they are known as “America’s Camelot.”

The closest thing to a royal family is embodied by this surname, a dynasty of luster that earned it for its glamor and its involvement in politics, also at a very expensive price. President John F. Kennedy, uncle of Robert Jr., was assassinated in November 1963. His brother, Robert, father of this other Kennedy with the same name, was fatally shot in 1968 when he had almost sealed the Democratic nomination. in 1968.

Although this Jr. plays with the brilliance that is attributed to this lineage, those closest to him in his family disqualified his initiative to enter the race for the presidency in 2024.

“Our brother Bobby’s decision to run as a third-party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous for our country,” Rory, Kerry, Kathleen and Joseph P. Kennedy II said in a statement.

“He may share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment. His announcement is deeply sad for us. We denounce his candidacy, we believe that he is a threat,” they insisted.

It is not the first time that they stand out. In July, Kerry Kennedy, president of the human rights center named after her father, denounced her brother’s “deplorable and lying” claim that Covid was manufactured to harm some ethnic groups. It’s curious: if minorities died first, then, with the vaccines, more whites fell, especially those who, following her advice, refused to be injected.

Robert Kennedy Jr., the tarambana.