Four people, all minors according to 112 Galicia, have lost their lives and eight have been injured in the fire of a residential building in the center of Vigo. The 112 of Galicia reported this morning of “several” people dead and other injuries in the fire that occurred in a building on Alfonso

The injured have been transferred to the Povisa and Álvaro Cunqueiro hospitals and there are several people who are being treated at the scene by psychologists specialized in emergencies, sources from the emergency unit informed EFE. According to sources cited by Faro de Vigo, the Police are investigating the incident as intentional. The flames would have started on the ground floor around four in the morning and at this time there were 30 people inside the building.

Some neighbors also cited by Faro de Vigo and La Voz de Galicia point to a resident who was expelled from one of the apartments days ago. The burned building has five floors and was squatted, according to Cadena SER.

The delegate councilor for the Security area, Patricia Rodríguez, has confirmed that there are four “young people”, three of them minors. Regarding the fourth deceased, she has indicated that professionals have doubts that, “due to his physiognomy”, he is a teenager or over 18 years old.

He has also detailed that around ten people have been transferred to health centers for smoke inhalation and other personal injuries. The rest of the people affected by the fire have been assisted by social and emergency services, they are being rehoused and will receive care during the day.

Asked if the fire could be intentional, Rodríguez asked to let the investigators work. “It is true that these are situations in which we naturally get very nervous, we look for culprits and it is human that family and friends and those closest to us are worried and think about these types of issues, but it is best to let the professionals work” , has underlined.

Several fire brigade and Health Emergency units from Galicia-061, in addition to members of the Local Police and the National Police, have gone to the area.