* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In the Vall d’en Bas, spring is palpable, as can be seen in these photographs in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia captured from Hostalets d’en Bas, a town declared of National Interest and which, above all, in the months of April and May, it shows off its flowery balconies.

In Hostalets d’en Bas we already see how the early and spring beauty of the rapeseed fields is shown to us, which give us beautiful postcards. In the background, we see the Puigsacalm and Santa Magdalena.

The yellow and green color of the rapeseed fields stands out at this time of year. This crop can be profitable and is used to produce fodder and biodiesel.

The Bas plain is surrounded by mountain ranges and rugged ridges such as those of Cabrera dels Llancers, Freixaneda or Puigsacalm, as well as meadows and beech, holm and oak forests.

Furrowed by a multitude of streams and streams that pour their waters into the Fluvià River, it has one of the most fertile soils in all of Catalonia.

The origin of Hostalets d’en Bas, in the Garrotxa region, dates back to the 18th century, from a hostel or hostal on the edge of the old royal road that went from Olot to Vic.