The 22@ district continues its unstoppable consecration as a magnet for attracting office investment. The prolonged urban and landscape evolution of the area adds a new protagonist with a property of 11,669 square meters on land acquired by Bonavista Developments, through Mitsubishi Estate London and Europa Capital, and whose commercialization falls to the Cushman real estate company

The promotion of the property responds to the reality of the professional market. The pandemic has triggered an undeniable increase in flexibility and teleworking, but it has not managed to end face-to-face work, as many pointed out. What does change are the needs and characteristics of workplaces. The adaptation of spaces arises as a challenge for many companies that focus their efforts on retaining and attracting talent in the face of the ‘Great Renunciation’.

The war for talent is not new, but the demands of professionals, both existing profiles and new ones, are becoming more acute. Talent is, even more, an essential resource for companies seeking maximum competitiveness, which requires a correct evaluation of the location of the offices and the different elements that make them up.

In this context, ‘dmoura1’ reflects the commitment to comply with current requirements in terms of the environment, technology and well-being, becoming one of the few buildings in the district that have LEED Platinum, WELL Platinum and Wired Score Platinum certifications.

The building is located on the corner of Calle Cristóbal de Moura and Calle Agricultura, to establish itself as a new player in ‘dmoura’, a 30,000-square-meter business campus in the heart of the city’s green lung, made up of four high-class office buildings A.

“Over the last two years we have learned that offices must add value so that employees want to be in it,” says Shinichi Kagitomi, managing director and CEO of Mistubishi Estate London. He himself highlights the “need to promote modern offices adapted to the new times to attract and retain talent”.

The new building in 22@ is designed by GCA Architects, a firm that has designed a zigzag-shaped facade to maximize natural light and enhance views of the green areas. The property is distributed on a ground floor, nine upper floors and two underground parking spaces, with a total of 138 spaces for bicycles, 150 for four-wheel vehicles -of which four are for electric cars- and 36 for motorcycles.

The location of the business campus facilitates public transport and bike lane connections, and easy access to both roads and highways. In the imminent future, high speed will also approach the district with the completion of the La Sagrera train station, work on which is progressing.

The specific location in 22@ within a city connected to the world is precisely one of the reasons that consolidates Barcelona as an international hub of reference in office investment and, as a consequence -or perhaps as a cause- attracting new professionals. “Barcelona is the ninth most attractive city in the world for talent,” says Rob Sim, managing partner of Europa Capital Partners LLP, based on data from a Boston Consulting Group report. Sim describes the capital as a safe bet for its “globality, openness, connection and technological capacity”.

The 22@ district consolidates its leadership in office investment in Barcelona and reinforces its position as a pole of attraction for companies, fundamentally technological ones. Not in vain, 96% of the investment in offices during the first six months of the year are in this area of ??the city, according to a CBRE report. Already in 2021, the city experienced significant growth after the logical disaster with the outbreak of the pandemic with a figure that shattered all records to reach 2,000 million euros.

At the end of 2022, more than 300,000 square meters are expected to be incorporated into the Barcelona market, which would exceed 470,000 square meters if new deliveries are included before the end of 2023, according to Cushman