The economic crisis and the climate crisis have agreed to kill the low cost air. What can I say? I think it’s fine. Although they can accuse me of being elitist, I have never understood how it could be cheaper to cross Europe on a plane than to go to a nearby town by public transport. If yesterday we cried out to heaven for how much we pay for basic food in our stores, it makes no sense that, instead, there continue to be knockdown prices in some airlines. And it cannot be that, in the event of the closure of these airlines due to their mismanagement, daddy State will finally have to take charge of his hole. The cost of the rates must be the real one. Many tourist capitals have been fully affected by the phenomenon of cheap flights, as has been the case with Barcelona and Madrid, and nothing will happen if they lose part of this tourism. And, as some experts believe, they can win local visitors who, for the same reason of the higher economic cost, will now give up traveling abroad and will stay in our country.

If to this we add the ecological reason, better than better. It is true that some environmental campaigns against air travel seem to be made by the worst enemy of environmentalists. Users who are forced to use air transport cannot be criminalized in such a crude way. Everything is much simpler: we are faced with a common sense situation. Each citizen, each company, each group must assess whether it is worth making a certain trip by plane or if they can use another alternative system. In this sense, the report that the A Fondo team and the data journalism section has done today in the Society section on the trips of the men’s soccer teams of the Spanish First Division is very interesting. The conclusion is that 27% of the trips made in the season could have used a more sustainable transport than the plane.

It is not about turning air travel into a luxury experience for the richest, but about companies charging the appropriate rates and users thinking carefully about whether it is worth making these trips. Now, let’s not cry for the end of low cost.