Under the influence of the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, received like a rock star by a dedicated public, Vox held a massive rally this Sunday in the Vistalegre pavilion in Madrid in which leaders of the European extreme right participated, with the France’s Marine Le Pen and the Portuguese André Ventura on the speakers’ platform, and the Prime Ministers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, and Hungary, Viktor Orbán, intervened electronically.

“Long live freedom, damn it!” the Argentine president has exclaimed three times, a war cry after which he has sung a song in which he has proclaimed that “there are plenty of left-handed people.” Milei once again recalled Abascal’s support at the beginning of his presidential race, “when he was lonelier than Adam on Mother’s Day,” she joked. “They want to impose on us a vision of the world that is not only immoral, but is also contrary to the values ??that made the West great,” she assured, claiming to be a “disseminator of the ideas of freedom.”

Milei has charged against the “damned and carcinogenic socialism”, which, in his opinion, “haunts the ideas of freedom and the basic principles of liberalism” and which is “an ideology painted with an altruistic patina” but which “hides the worst of the human being”, he has even stated, the “murder of 150 million people”, he has proclaimed without indicating where that figure comes from and to what historical episodes he limits them.

After his fiery preamble, Milei has broken down a long series of economic data referring to Argentina that has been patiently attended to by the public, who has interrupted him on occasion with cheers for capitalism. “Socialism has been a failure imposed on rows and rows of nameless corpses,” insisted the Argentine president, who has reiterated that “slavery or death is the only possible destiny” of social democratic ideology: “Opening the door to socialism is “invite death,” he has argued in defense of private property and the deregulation of the labor market.

“Even if his wife is corrupt, he takes five days to think about it,” he directly attacked the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, with whom he has not met during these three days of unofficial trip to Spain that, according to the Argentine opposition, has financed with public funds from his government. “Socialism leads to poverty and death, anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Left-handed people are never right,” continued Milei, who has criticized journalists to defend that “the cultural battle is an inalienable commitment.”

As host of Milei, the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has been able to take a mass bath at the Europa Viva 24 festival, after some internal turbulence that the party has considered over after managing to revalidate its results in Catalonia, and has been greeted with cries of “president, president!” on the part of the militants, about eleven thousand people, according to the organization, who have filled the venue located in this old bullring located in the Carabanchel neighborhood.

“Long live Spain, long live Europe and long live the free world and all those who fight to protect it!” Abascal began his speech, thanking both the speakers and the attendees “for the extraordinary encouragement and drive to defeat all “the enemies of Spain.” For the leader of Vox, “globalism and criminal socialism harm national unity” and, in the face of this “threat”, he has demanded an “alliance of patriots” against Sánchez, whom he holds responsible for the arrival of irregular immigrants by giving a “false hope for millions of people” who want to reach Europe. “The reds, the lefties and the cowardly and self-conscious right are to blame,” he attacked.

In addition to “massive illegal immigration,” which he has linked to crime and which, in his opinion, “expands Islamic fundamentalism and puts women at risk,” the housing problem has also been one of the axes of the discourse. de Abascal: “Only squatters, criminals and illegal immigrants have found a home here,” he exclaimed, something for which he has also blamed the “cowardly and swindling right wing” that “deceives the Spaniards by saying that they defend what they does not defend” in an “infected political theater.” “Even if they pretend to fight, they always end up agreeing,” Abascal continued in relation to the pacts in Brussels between the socialists and the popular ones. “Everyone has assumed the replacement religion, the 2030 globalist agenda and the woke project. “Everyone except Vox,” he claimed to predict that on June 9 the extreme right will obtain a great result in Europe.

Le Pen has also been received with applause when proclaiming the friendship between the people of Spain and France and has described the “non-legal zones” of her country, neighborhoods given over to immigrants, as she has said, where the laws of the republic. For this reason, it has called for the “reorientation” of the European Union to protect nations and has asked for a declaration by peoples and nations at the same level as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to guarantee the “historical continuity” of the different countries of Europe in the face of globalism that, from their point of view, threatens them. “Long live Vox, long live Spain, long live France and long live Europe!” She concluded to give way to the video sent by Orbán.

“We patriots must take Brussels, we can only count on ourselves,” said Orbán, who preceded Meloni’s telematic intervention, in Spanish, from Rome: “I want to address the young militants and thank them for giving up on single thinking. You decided that conservative values ??would be the pillars of your life. You are the only possible future for Europe,” he said.

Meloni has praised Abascal as a “decisive” leader to stop the left, which Meloni accuses of the “failures” of the “bureaucratic giant” in Brussels. “We want and can build a European Union different from the current one, one that defends its external borders instead of forcing its citizens to welcome masses of immigrants against their will,” proclaimed the Italian Prime Minister, who has criticized of “surrogacy” and has associated it with “obscurantism.” “It is not progress to use women’s bodies and for the rich to buy children,” she defended. “We have the duty to fight until the last day so that no change in Europe is possible without European conservatives,” she concluded so that Abascal could introduce Javier Milei, received with cheers and shouts of “Argentina, Argentina!”

“I don’t feel like a dictatorship like the Venezuelan one” and “To prison, Puigdemont” have been the slogans chanted by Vox followers while they waited for the speeches, which started with that of José Antonio Ortega Lara, one of the founders. of the party, a prison official who was kidnapped by ETA for a year and a half (1996-1997).

After the intervention of Roger Severino, vice president of the Heritage Foundation, son of Colombian immigrants in the United States, who has made a passionate defense of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, as have Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference ( CPAC), the leader of the Chilean right, José Antonio Kast, has praised Abascal’s “principles and values”, the same ones, he has reiterated, that he defended ten years ago, when the party was born and the president of Vox used a megaphone to reach citizens and give them “hope.”

If Kast has attributed the “defeat of Podemos” to Vox, something that he has regretted not having achieved in Chile with Gabriel Boric, a “political transvestite”, he has qualified it to underline the “hypocrisy” of the Chilean president, who defeated him in presidential race, the Portuguese André Ventura, president of Chega, who has spoken in Spanish, has shown himself convinced that Abascal will be the next president of the Government of Spain and has sparked cries of “out, out!” against the socialists Pedro Sánchez and António Costa, but also whistles against the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo: “Let them get together and govern among themselves if they want to do the same! Like father Like Son”.

“We are not the radical right of Europe, but the only ones who have stood up to defend the freedom of Europeans,” Ventura exclaimed in his invective against socialism and globalism that has “infected” the European Union. “We want strong borders! Europe is ours,” she stated in a plea against “massive Muslim” immigration. “We are not afraid to say that we love our countries,” he proclaimed to wish for Trump’s victory in the United States at a time when “the future of civilization is at stake.”

“On June 9, we risk the future of Europe,” Jorge Buxadé, Vox’s candidate for the European Parliament, began by warning, having already launched a campaign against “regional, gender and Islamic separatism,” which undermines In his opinion, the European nations, which have to “regain control of the lives of citizens”, which Vox considers “usurped” by the “caste” of Brussels, which, far from giving “guarantees” to democracies, they put in “danger” with their “interference.” “The PP and the PSOE vote the same in Europe 90% of the time. “They are committed to the destruction of our economy,” said the far-right MEP.