During the first three months of 2024, 3,121 new public electric vehicle charging points have been installed in Spain, bringing the total number available to 41,067. However, not all of them are operational and, according to the latest Electromobility Barometer of the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (Anfac) published this week, almost 21% of them – specifically, 8,645 – do not work, either because they are in poor condition, damaged or have not yet been able to be connected to the electrical distribution network.

As the manufacturers’ association explains in its report, the source of information on the out-of-service status of the charging points, on which its analysis is based, is provided by the users of the charging points themselves.

At the current rate of expansion of charging infrastructure, the forecast for this year, set at 64,000 publicly accessible charging points and necessary to meet the decarbonization objectives set by Europe, will not be reached.

Of the total charging points available today, only 2,103 of them – that is, 6.5% – are fast power, with a connection of at least 150 kW. As the manufacturers’ association points out, this type of network is essential both to bring recharging times closer to those of refueling combustion cars and to facilitate the performance of the activity for goods or passenger vehicles.

Similarly, only 25% of the public access infrastructure in Spain corresponds to loads of more than 22 kW. According to the objectives estimated by Anfac, 51% of charging points should have powers greater than 22 kW in 2024.

However, this will likely be impossible to achieve. It only needs to be noted that in the first quarter of the current year, 1,758 of the 3,121 installed had 22 kW or less. Thus, 75% of public access charging points are low power, which implies talking about minimum charging times of three hours.

Another fact that the association highlights in its Barometer refers to the penetration of electrified vehicles. The slowdown in the evolution of the registration of electrified cars has caused some regions to register a decline compared to the previous quarter, such as the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Community, Aragon, La Rioja and Extremadura. On the contrary, the growth of Asturias and the Canary Islands stands out, growing 1.4 and 0.8 points, respectively.

During the first quarter of 2024, 27,077 electrified passenger cars were sold, which represents only 9.7% of the annual target, set at 280,000. “An insufficient rhythm”, which should have registered close to 70,000 units in the first quarter and which places Spain far from the desirable objectives to comply with what is established by the Fit for 55, warns Anfac.

“The electrified vehicle market is stagnating, and currently only represents 10% of the market share in Spain, something that worries us at Anfac. The buyer does not want risks: if there is no certainty and simplicity in the aid plans, and immediacy in collection, many operations do not occur,” says the general director of the association, José López-Tafall.

Furthermore, he highlights that France is advancing because it has a “very clear” electrification plan (direct aid and social renting)”, and Portugal “has the solidity of a favorable tax system that is combined with its good infrastructure network that, although not be very numerous, it works well.” “That must be the path that Spain follows,” he adds.