* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can see how the clouds caress the Busa mountain range at sunset.

The snapshot was taken this past Saturday, with the Busa mountain range surrounded by low clouds, which seemed to caress it.

The Busa mountain range is located in the Pre-Pyrenees, in the Lord Valley (Solsonès). Its walls are very steep and with spectacular shapes reminiscent of the mountains of Montserrat.

The sierra de Busa, south of the sierra de los Bastets, seems inaccessible due to its rough Montserrat-shaped walls. The highest point is the summit of Cogul (1526 meters), in the Serrat de les Graelles.

The Busa mountain range forms a wide plateau, called the Pla de Busa, cut on all sides by high cliffs. It extends from La Valldora, to the east, to the Cardener valley, to the west.