Since she entered Big Brother VIP, Jessica Bueno was very clear that she did not want to talk about her private life. However, the days are beginning to take their toll, and after two weeks of the contest, the Sevillian has already begun to share what have been some of the most important moments in her life.

Among others, the Sevillian has confessed to having lived very important moments with Irene Rosales, wife of Kiko Rivera, father of her son Francisco; who she has a great connection with. A good relationship that Irene wanted to demonstrate through her networks, sending a tender message of support to the model in these first weeks of the contest.

“I’m very happy for Jessica. I know a little person who will be super happy! I hope she reaches the final, so that she can enjoy the beautiful experience that is living in Big Brother and because I know she will be super proud,” writes Irene, reflecting the enthusiasm. from Fran, the model’s son and her husband.

Irene, who already lived the experience precisely with Kiko Rivera in Big Brother Duo  in 2019, managed to go far – even more so Isabel Pantoja’s son, who managed to come second, behind María Jesús Ruíz, who finally took the briefcase with the 100,000 euros prize.

Those who also had good words for the Sevillian model were Anabel and Isa Pantoja, who did not hesitate to applaud her performance. “I’m glad that people support Jessica, because she is sincere and educated,” said Anabel, who insisted that the public is “getting to know a Jessica that not everyone knew.”

The one who has not commented on Jessica Bueno’s contest is her ex-partner, Kiko Rivera, with whom she has had more than one conflict in the past over the custody of her son. However, for a few years now, it seems that they have managed to understand each other for the sake of little Francisco.

“I get along very well. The waters are calm,” he confessed in one of his last interviews in Viva la vida, adding that the model’s relationship with his wife could not be better. “I’m happy”.

A few days ago, the model was talking to Gustavo, María Teresa Campos’ former driver, about his relationship with Irene Rosales. If Jessica Bueno made anything clear, it was that there could not be a better relationship between them because of their children and that, furthermore, Irene was responsible for Kiko Rivera’s great change in recent years.

“Kiko is a very good person and I really like his wife. She’s great. She’s done a lot of good for Kiko. She’s given him stability and the seriousness he needed,” said the model, who also revealed that all of the DJ’s children are very joined.

Kiko Rivera and Jessica Bueno met in Survivors 2011 and, as a result of that passionate relationship, little Francisco was born in 2012. After several comings and goings and even an engagement announcement, the couple put an end to their relationship in 2013, at which time that began an arduous battle for custody of the little boy, which was finally won by the model, who rebuilt her life with the soccer player Jota Peleteiro, whom she married in 2015 and from whom she would abruptly separate in the summer of 2023.