All the beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income (IMV), as well as the people with whom they live, are obliged to present the income statement. A sine qua non condition to be able to continue collecting the benefit. Therefore, despite receiving income of less than 22,000 euros gross per year, these taxpayers must render accounts with the treasury as of next Tuesday, April 11, when the 2022-2023 income campaign begins.

However, this does not mean that the income from the IMV has to be taxed, since it is an exempt income and the vast majority of beneficiaries should not include the amounts collected for this concept in their declaration. However, the amounts that exceed 12,159.42 euros must be declared as income from work –an amount that corresponds to 1.5 times the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income (IPREM)-.

Likewise, in the event that other aid is received for groups at risk of social exclusion such as the minimum insertion income, guaranteed income and similar aid from autonomous communities and town halls, only this excess must be paid, which will be incorporated as income from work.

According to the Tax Agency, the declaration of the vast majority of taxpayers who receive the IMV is “very simple”, since there will be no income to incorporate in the draft. Thus, in most cases the result will be zero, that is, neither will they pay any amount from the Treasury nor will they have to return money to this public body. This occurs when no other income has been obtained apart from this benefit.

The agency also warns that the IMV “does not generate by itself the right to deduction for maternity or deductions for large families or people with disabilities in charge”. Since its implementation, they have benefited from this non-contributory benefit of the Social Security 1.7 million people in Spain.