The first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, celebrated yesterday the attempt to bring the PP closer to Junts to talk, not negotiate, as they insist from Genoa, about the possible investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

With a certain sarcasm, judging by the “kind smile” with which he received the question, Illa assured in a press conference offered from Portbou, where he was interested in the consequences of the fire at the beginning of August, that he has always been in favor of dialogue “with everyone”, except with “those who want to go back 50 years”, alluding to the ultra-right, and which, therefore, seems to him “advance”.

“I am going to welcome this news if it is confirmed and it is true, because I have heard comments of all kinds depending on the spokesperson,” ironized the socialist leader, for whom “speaking in a democracy is always the right thing to do.”

As for whether these talks between the PP and Junts will get anywhere, Illa was cautious: “It seems to me that it is very difficult, but we are going to respect that the interlocutors and those responsible for these formations are the ones who say what they have to say ”, settled.

And regarding the role of the PSC in the negotiations for an investiture of Pedro Sánchez if Feijóo’s is unsuccessful, he hid behind “discretion” so as not to give more details: “There are moments when what you have to do is act and not speak, do and not say, and work with method: Catalonia has to get involved in improving Spain, emphasizing what unites us and not focusing on what separates us”.

Less conciliatory, on the other hand, was the president of Ciudadanos en Catalunya, Carlos Carrizosa, who branded the fact that Feijóo wants to meet with Junts in his round of contacts with parliamentary groups to seek support for his investiture as “betrayal of the constitutionalist electorate”. .

In an interview with Europa Press, Carrizosa said that he observes this change in position of the PP with “great concern” and appealed to the responsibility of the popular Catalans, whose leader, Alejandro Fernández, is the only one, he said, who has criticized him publicly. “I would like to hear more voices from the Catalan PP, because where are the Albiol, the Sirera, the Kings?” asked the Catalan leader of Ciudadanos, for whom “all the efforts of constitutionalism should go to prevent the PP from continuing to humiliate to the electorate that gave him support with these secret pacts with Puigdemont”.