The tragedy of the Platja de Palma restaurant, whose collapse has killed four people and seriously injured 16 others, is highlighted this morning by the English and German press in their digital versions: “Horror in Mallorca”. The majority of those injured and killed in the collapse of a beach club this Thursday in Platja de Palma are precisely foreign customers who were dining and drinking when the first floor of the Medusa Beach Club collapsed around eight in the afternoon.

The Sun, the most read newspaper in the United Kingdom, has published a full-page front page since Thursday night: “Beach Horror.” “At least 4 dead, including 2 tourists, and 16 injured after the collapse of a building at a beach club in Mallorca,” explains the tabloid.

The Daily Mail, the second most read newspaper in the United Kingdom, headlines on its entire page: “Horror in Mallorca.” “Four dead and dozens injured in disaster at Majorcan beach resort: club restaurant collapses ‘to the basement’ as rescue teams rush to free tourists feared trapped in rubble,” account.

Other renowned British media such as The Guardian highlight the tragic news in the top positions of their digital covers. “A building collapsed on the beach and left at least four dead and twenty injured.”

The German Bild, considered the newspaper with the largest circulation in Europe, publishes the event in Mallorca as its main news item with the headline: “Beach club in El Arenal collapses: four dead.” “At least four dead after the collapse of a restaurant,” publishes the Frankfurte Allegmeine Zeitung.

Another prestigious German media such as the weekly Der Spiegel shows in its second news section an image of the fire brigade spokesperson accompanied by the headline: “Beach club collapsed in Mallorca: rescue teams recover four dead and 16 injured.”

Mallorca is one of the main destinations chosen by British and German tourists, many of whom have also chosen the Balearic island as their usual place of residence. According to the Mallorca Zeitung, a German-language newspaper published in the Balearic capital, several of the injured are German nationals. Its headline is: “A building collapsed in Playa de Palma: at least four dead and 21 injured.”

Other international media in France or Italy, where many tourists who visit the island also come from, have also reported it. “Too full, I couldn’t hold it,” mentions the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, citing a witness.