Rita Maestre, the spokesperson for Mas Madrid, has tweeted a video that includes images of young boys with the flag of Spain in their hands shouting insults such as “sick”, “dyke and faggot” at other young people who were on the balcony. from some apartment in the center of the capital. And the response of those who don’t leave the image is “I’ll fucking kill you, son of a bitch.”

Faced with these threats, Maestre says in his tweet “energize us by threatening LGTBI people in the streets of Madrid.” To which he adds: “The bastion of constitutionalism, I call them Almeida.”

These street disputes reach the streets of the capital after announcing almost a week ago by the PP parliamentary group in the Madrid Assembly, led by Isabel Díaz Ayuso, that it has registered the modification of the law on gender identity and expression and the Comprehensive protection against LGTBIphobia.

This is a movement that allows the president of the Community of Madrid to add a new front against Pedro Sánchez a few days before the course of his investiture as president of the Government has been confirmed, which will be approved this Thursday.

The modification that Ayuso intends to bring in this matter at the beginning of this legislature has already sparked criticism from the left for the “legislative setback” it represents. In addition, it must be remembered that the measure that seeks to change was approved with a PP government in the Community of Madrid, with Cristina Cifuentes at the helm.