Associació Garrigues Empresarial is the name of the new entity that brings together businessmen from this region with the aim of joining forces to generate new economic opportunities and promote the territory. The entity was presented this Thursday in Juneda.

The association, initially promoted by the Regional Council of Les Garrigues, was created with three main objectives: to become an information and reference point for businessmen, to defend the interests of companies in the region and to promote cooperation and synergies between businessmen. and self-employed.

To achieve these objectives, it foresees different actions, including training, institutional meetings and the creation of collaboration networks.

The board of directors of the new association is made up of Pilar Palau as president, Anna Roset as vice president, Rosa Ticó as honorary president, and Judit Pelegrí as secretary.

The entity has established differentiated annual quotas for companies according to their size, with the aim of making the association accessible to all interested parties.

One of the first actions of Garrigues Empresarial has been the signing of an agreement with the Pla d’Urgell Business Association (Agrupem) to jointly request the creation of an energy transition office in the region. In addition, it is working in coordination with the Regional Council and the Les Borges Blanques City Council to share technical resources and develop projects that benefit the territory.

The entity presented itself this Thursday in Juneda and during this month of May it will also present itself in Les Borges Blanques, Arbeca and Granadella.