The attachment of the current government team of the Alicante city council to bullfighting clashes again with the left-wing opposition. The municipal groups of PSPV and Compromís asked yesterday that the trimmer contest and the bou embolat not be authorized at this year’s Hogueras bullfighting festivals, a show that is scheduled for June 15.

Compromís, through its spokesperson, councilor Rafa Mas, maintains that the bou embolat – an event in which a fighting bull runs carrying on its antlers a harness on which greased tow is placed and set on fire – represents “the maximum animal cruelty and is a danger to attendees.”

Mas states that, if the event is held, his training will request “all the necessary information regarding the security plan, health resources, local police and private security and their cost.” In addition, they will “execute the law on rights and guarantees for children and adolescents of the Valencian Community of 2018”, to prevent minors from attending.

And the advertising poster sets the entrance price at 15 euros, but provides for “free entry” for children under 10 years old. “We are not going to allow animal abuse to be financed with public money nor to violate the regional protection law or the UN recommendations. In the event of not complying with this law, our coalition will file a lawsuit against the organizers and the responsible councilor, Mari Carmen from Spain,” said Mas.

In this regard, PSPV councilor Miguel Castelló demanded that the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, “mediate so that a celebration is not held in a public space, such as the bull charging, which goes against animal protection and that “It has no cultural tradition in the city.”

From the anti-bullfighting platform ‘It is not my culture’, they announce mobilizations to try to stop a practice that “should not be allowed in the 21st century,” according to their provincial spokesperson, Pablo González, told Cadena SER.

“The animal suffers burns, both in the eyes and in the neck and horns, and, in addition, it is injured when, in panic, it tries to escape from the flames, hitting against objects or with sudden movements of the neck,” criticized the spokesperson. animalist