Since last summer, the head of Court 10 of Barcelona, ​​Miriam de Rosa, has been leading the investigation into the desecration of 163 tombs in the Montjuïc cemetery. A work carried out by the investigation unit of the Sants police station and which in recent weeks has managed to advance and gather, in addition to the evidence they already had, evidence to investigate five cemetery workers.

Some accusations advanced by Crónica Global and confirmed by the Superior Court of Justice, which specified that two of the suspects will testify this Friday.

The municipal company in charge of the site, Cementiris de Barcelona, ​​filed a complaint last summer, after verifying that 162 tombs, of the more than 175,000 graves in this necropolis, had been desecrated with the intention of stealing jewelry and belongings of the deceased. .

The vast majority of the desecrated graves were especially old and did not receive visits from their families. A piece of information that immediately made investigators suspect that after the thefts there must have been personnel with knowledge of the day-to-day operations of the cemetery. During all these months, the Mossos have controlled the operations of buying and selling second-hand gold with the conviction that, sooner or later, the desecrators would relax and try to get rid of the loot.