The former president and former minister with the PP Eduardo Zaplana has used the last word to regret this Thursday that during the trial of the Erial case they wanted to convey an image about him, “an idea of ​​a criminal group” or of a person who “ “He uses and abuses his personal relationships.”

“The image of a person who is dedicated to hiding his activities and his life in an almost paranoid way in the face of I don’t know what fears or threats that, honestly, never worried me, but that given what I saw probably had me, has also flown over this room. to worry about,” he stated before the court.

“I contributed all my assets while I was in prison, there is no more,” stressed the former president of the Generalitat, who recalled that he wrote a will “in the most complicated moments” of his illness.

“After searches, interventions, recordings, rogatory commissions and nine months in prison, I say the same thing I said, that I have never committed any illegality at the head of the Generalitat and that I have never had any money abroad,” he added.

Despite the president of the court’s warnings to keep it brief, Zaplana recalled his political period: “The pleasant memories outweigh the unpleasant ones, both of which I have tried to face with responsibility and dignity. And today, in this very difficult stage, I continue to express great satisfaction for years of dedication to public life and to the presidency of the Generalitat” (between 1995 and 2002, before his departure to Madrid as minister of the Government of José María Aznar).

“It was also an honor to lead teams of people who gave their best at that stage. It has been a privilege to dedicate myself to political life, a worthy activity, and although its exercise has brought me here, politics is not to blame for this,” he concluded.