* The authors are part of the community of La Vanguardia readers

Storks are migratory, but there are more and more that stay in Catalonia, for example, in the regions of Lleida or Osona, surely due to climate change or because they find enough food in this area.

There are data that already indicate that more than 80% of adult storks in Spain and Central Europe decide to shorten the migratory journey and winter in Spain, where they find food and realize that it is not worth traveling so many kilometers to the Sahel, according to what was found. the study Migration and spatial ecology of the white stork in Spain, by the SEO Birdlife organization.

The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large species of bird. Its plumage is mostly white with black on the wings. And the legs and beak of adults acquire a red color.

It measures an average of 100 and 115 cm from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail, and its wings can reach a span between 155 and 215 cm.

In this series of photographs in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos we can see how they are still fully installed in nests in Gurb (Osona) and in Urgell.

Although with the arrival of the cold, if temperatures really rise in the coming weeks, the most normal thing is that, at least most of them, undertake the trip to Africa, where they find a warmer climate and avoid spending the winter here.