The 22-month-old boy admitted to the La Fe Hospital in València after choking while having a snack in a daycare center in the city has finally died in the health center, as sources close to the case have informed Europa Press.

The baby was admitted to the hospital with a reserved prognosis after allegedly choking while having a snack in a daycare center in Valencia, as confirmed by sources from the Local Police and the Emergency Information and Coordination Center (CICU).

The incident took place this Monday afternoon, according to Las Provincias. The CICU received a notice at around 4:15 p.m. that there was a child having a seizure in a daycare center in the city, so a SAMU unit was immediately transported. A Local Police patrol also attended after being requested by room 092.

According to what was stated from the educational center, the minor could have choked while having a snack, police sources stated.

The SAMU medical team performed advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the minor and other recovery techniques until they managed to stabilize him and he was transferred to La Fe Hospital, while the Local Police made way for the ambulance to keep him stable. However, the minor finally died at the hospital.