Cristina Kirchner caused one of the controversies on the day of Javier Milei’s inauguration as president of Argentina. Upon entering Congress for the ceremony, the former vice president slapped someone who yelled something at her as she entered the Senate door.

Dressed in red, Kirchner was greeting those present when she suddenly heard someone yell something at her that she didn’t like and without turning around she responded with that gesture, which the cameras captured.

Before a square full of libertarian militants, the vice president’s trip from her home to Congress was brief and minutes after eleven in the morning local time she arrived at the venue. There, between greetings, someone insulted her and she, without turning to look at who it was, responded with the rude gesture raised. A gesture that was later massively repudiated on the networks and in messages on the radio.

“Bye, bye, goodbye!” wrote PRO deputy Fernando Iglesias when sharing the photo of Cristina Kirchner’s gesture on his social networks. It was about that comment by Iglesias that the founder of Mercado Libre Marcos Galperin thanked him for “all these years of stoic resistance.”

Another of the forceful messages against the outgoing administration was from Álvaro Vargas Llosa, son of the renowned writer and Nobel Prize winner in literature Mario Vargas Llosa, who maintained that “the great fuck you of Cristina Kirchner is having destroyed Argentina.”

In the Plaza de los dos Congresos, thousands of libertarian militants had the former president among their celebratory songs. “Cristina goes prey, she goes prey,” was one of the hits sung by the followers of La Libertad Avanza.

Oblivious to those songs, Cristina Kirchner occupied the presidency of the Legislative Assembly, sitting next to Martín Menem, the new president of the Chamber of Deputies, and read the formation of the commission of deputies and senators who received the president-elect at the door of Congress. Javier Milei before his swearing-in.

The former president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, one of the star guests of milleismo, had passed through that same stage minutes before. The vice president, who kept her hands in her pockets during Milei and Villaruel’s swearing-in, was in excellent humor with the new president the entire time. There were knowing looks and laughter, and in the official photos distributed by the vice president’s press team the good harmony between the two was exhibited.

What’s more, in one of her last minutes as vice president, before Victoria Villarruel was sworn in, Cristina asked Milei to show her the detail of her presidential baton after receiving the attributes of command.

The ultra smiled at him and then proudly showed him the unique detail of his cane: his five dogs Conan, Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas, the English mastiffs that the president considers his four-legged children. Conan – who died a few years ago – was a dog very loved by Javier Milei, who decided to clone him after his death in the United States. From there his four current dogs were born.

They were the big absentees from the harsh presidential speech that Milei gave outside Congress in front of a square full of followers. Although he had included them in his speeches in his campaign closing events and victory in the different elections, now he did not mention them.