reported to The health authorities in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within a day 3943 Corona infections. In addition, were recorded within 24 hours of 358 for more deaths. The Numbers of the RKI Tuesday.

exactly one week Ago, the RKI had recorded within a day 3883 new infections and 415 new deaths. The data on the state of the RKI-Dashboards of 5.25 clock, subsequent Changes or additions are possible.

The number of within seven days of the reported new infections per 100 000 inhabitants (Seven-days-incidence) was, according to the RKI, on Tuesday morning, nationwide 65.4 – and thus slightly lower than the previous day (65,8). Four weeks ago, at 2. February, had located the incidence at 90. Her previous high was 22. December 197,6 been achieved.