The vaccination campaign faculty and staff Ata began but “let us go forward with too much slowness”. The complaint comes from the president of the national association of deans Antonello Giannelli. Today have been vaccinated 158 thousand people out of a million of school staff: “Too little,” commented Giannelli – we will arrive in June that we have vaccinated all, in the 4 months we have to vaccinate 750 thousand people. The vaccination plan goes too slow, we need to accelerate. This is the priority and the second is to track with the screening of the student population”.

missing data

Second Giannelli, the lack of information: there are no data regarding the side effects post-vaccination, and the absences of teachers: “But certainly we have had reports of illnesses, and fevers”. Concerned about “the spread of the virus, which is evident by the increasing use of quarantine. The schools comply with the protocol established last summer by reporting immediately the case at Asl”.

regions in random order

The vaccination teachers is match to contemporary to that of the eighty-year-olds, but not at the same pace and the same timing in all regions. In Tuscany there are parties l’1 1 February, with a teacher, 37, of Florence, who had the first dose. In Lazio, for example, on the first day of vaccination was the 22nd of February, as well as in Campania, where, however, have not been provided shifts and things of vaccinations for the fear of missing doses enough. The category is in fact intended for the vaccine AstraZeneca, which has suffered delays in deliveries in the last weeks. In Lombardy, the vaccines are started from Bollate, where there was an outbreak of variant English in a school. In Piedmont have been reported long queues for the administration of doses of teachers. In Puglia, where the vaccinations for teachers and employees of educational games on 15 February in the Veneto region, the governor Michele Emiliano, claims that can not go in presence without having vaccinated before all the staff.

See also

the Vaccine, Covid, the stages of the plan vaccines: for those who receive AstraZeneca the single-dose, is already a reality

Vaccines and schools, commuters: each Region vaccinerà teachers and employees resident

Vaccine, Covid, Paw: “Priority to the teachers. Students are likely less”

AstraZeneca, side-effects so many of the prof at home and schools in Dad

Vaccine Lombardy, when it comes to teachers? Tuesday there is the University

Where the system does not work

And then there are quite a few problems of logistics: the teachers who reside in a region and work in another. “Big trouble: because there are many professionals working in the region, and that are resident in the other, for example the campania region who work in the Lazio region. The system does not take them into account either in the region or in another: this is because the databases are not compatible between them.” Even if the line of the Lazio Region and is the one to get them to vaccinate in the region, the situation is still not unlocked. Another problem is that of the fragile people to whom we must give the vaccine Pzifer: “But teachers should be administered only AstraZeneca, so much so that for a reservation must declare not to have particular problems,” says Giannelli. Finally, there are those who, although still in service, have passed the 65th year of age and thus could not technically receive the vaccine AstraZeneca, not recommended for over 65. “Are all the absurdity that must be resolved,” says Giannelli.