Do you usually drink coffee or tea in the morning? Read here why you should also drink a glass of warm water in the morning from now on.

Wouldn’t it be nice if being healthy was easy? Without complicated recipes or long lists of ingredients for smoothies

The good news: Sometimes it can actually be quite simple ā€“ with warm water, for example. You can do a lot of good for your body without any fuss.

Followers of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have always used warm water for detoxification. The increased temperature of the drink makes it easier for harmful substances in the body to be dissolved and removed.

Warm water stimulates the metabolism and therefore also digestion. After drinking, the blood vessels in the body expand, the water reaches the stomach more quickly and can help break down the food into its individual components.

The advantage over cold water: the body first has to bring it up to stomach temperature and thus uses up energy. However, if the water you drink is already at body temperature – around 36 degrees Celsius – this effort is lost.

Drinking warm water while eating has two advantages. Firstly, fats are better dissolved and digested in the body. Secondly, after drinking, the body temperature increases slightly and arteries and veins expand, which in turn improves blood flow.

This allows muscles and other tissue to be better supplied with blood and fat deposits to be broken down more easily.

If you drink your warm water immediately after getting up, you can look forward to an energy boost: the slight increase in body temperature stimulates the circulation and wakes you up faster.

Warm water reduces the accumulation of mucus in the nose, throat and gastrointestinal tract as well as the growth of viruses or bacteria in these areas. Two advantages that are clearly on the plus side, especially now in winter.

In addition, liquids generally have an expectorant effect, so you should also drink plenty of fluids when you have a cold.

Who hasn’t put a hot water bottle on their stomach when they have stomach cramps? The relaxing, antispasmodic effect of heat also works from the inside out.

Experts also confirm that warm water can help relieve headaches, although of course a glass of water should not be used instead of professional treatment – but it certainly does no harm in addition to the treatment.

When we have a cup of warm water, we immediately find the person we’re talking to more likeable. Why?

Studies have shown that warm water stimulates certain receptors in the mouth that lead directly to the pleasure center of the brain ā€“ exactly the place where you feel sympathy for others.

The original of this article “That’s why you should drink a glass of warm water in the morning” comes from FitForFun.